We all making it digits prove

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Other urls found in this thread:


My god...

Including me?

Checked btw

Yes, including you user

holy checked bro, I wish I'd get digits, I never do

Damn. Checked.
Have you seen the current state of the board though? Half of you faggots do not even deserve to make it.

Bless you. We're all gonna truly make it.

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we gonna make it

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God bless. Happy Easter and happy lifting.

You also entered the recent "femanon thread" didn't you?


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Include me making it pls


Toasting in blessed bread

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digits do not lie, making it confirmed

Blessed thread. I’m gonna fucking bend reality to my will boys and all you have to do it believe, MINDSET IS EVERYTHING MUCH LOVE

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No one deserves anything, if you want something you need to take it. That means grinding and putting in the work necessary to make it happen. We all have the ability to make it, all who put in the work will. Now shut up and enjoy the digits I rolled for us

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Swedish girl again?

I don't think so. Hopefully if these corona-tourists lurk enough they will become successful converts, but right now it seems like every third user here is an underage Yas Forumstier leftist

Damn... Ippo and tyson within 2 seconds of each other in a blessed thread what is going on


nice digits bro

Don't argue semantics and freshmen philosophy with me,.you script utilizing faggot.

dubs and the only one who makes it is me

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Nah nigga u needed quints get good

quads beat dubs, you gigavirgin asshole

>phone poster
I believe you too will make it user. Just keep trying.

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quints > dubs

live by the digits, die by the digits

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I want to believe that BBC spamming is just meant to be a way to stop thot posting, or for Yas Forumsacks to stir hate for nogs, chinks and jews.
But I don't know anymore bros.


>I want to believe
My apologies
WAGMI, if we try.


Lurk more.

>Longboi 1911 with target sights
Suspect airsoft

We truly live in a fit society

Rollin for 10lbs in 1 week

I think it is meant to be a stubby suppressor


Is 99% sure it’s just Yas Forumsizens getting their cheap keks. It’s super low effort and almost always gets some raging retards and ruins the thread it’s posted in. You have to admit it’s a little funny once you realize this is the intent. But only the first two times



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