Show me a calisthenics routine that can actually build muscle

show me a calisthenics routine that can actually build muscle

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ok. What do you offer in trade?

every program that has weighted dips and weighted pullups/chinups would count...somewhat

big fat brappers

Attached: coom folder.png (1167x798, 963.35K)

As I am not black or hispanic, I am not attracted to "fat asses." Good luck on your quest for a good fitness routine

We get it, youre Irish

Is this possible in physics? just loop the energy so it never escapes. Makes sense to me

Probably because you're a fuckin moron

Prove me wrong?

1^n is infinite, so if it keeps looping and nothing escapes then it will self-sustain.

choose an exercise you can perform a few clean reps of. practice everyday until you're very confident of it. move on to the harder variation. repeat until you can do one-arm pullups, pushups, etc.
do several sets throughout the day for fastest gains.
minimum should be 2-3 sets of 8-20 reps per day
keep on experimenting with different variations of similar difficultly everyday.

Attached: convict_conditioning_full_chart.jpg (3060x1628, 810.66K)

not the op, but frankly I am really interested in a muscle building calisthenics routine as well as I do not have access to weights (cause I am
an idiot who didn't prepare and doesn't have home gym). This may just be a dead thread, but I figure its worth a shot. I offer in return genuine dedication to the routine, pictures, and daily updates if that would please you. Not only that but I will give up all my vices. I have been hanging around Yas Forums quite a lot since the quarantine was enacted, and I have given up porn, coffee, weed, tobacco and alcohol since then on the advice of fellow bros. It life changing stuff just to simply not engage in those few things.. I feel pretty damn good, and I have started see the beginning of something great. But I know I can have more and I want it. I want to become the best version of myself. To that end I will follow any proven calisthenics routine to the letter. I am 6'2" @ 185lbs. I am by no means unhealthy and I don't eat junk food (we live on a ranch so we eat what we plant) but
>I am dyel
>I could be mogging the shit out of people but I am not
I am open to counter offers, and I will deliver. Name your price bro..

pic related is my lanky ass

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checked, and its a fucking picture of a klein bottle with some houses and lines drawn on it.. this isn't an infinite energy model.

put some weights in a back pack and do some pushups

Take picture of your body, without clothes. Also picture of the female in the house without clothes, preferably her butt. Also pic of your butt

I will brovide picture a picture of my body without clothing. At that point I will need a routine. If you give me that I will see what I can do about your further requests.

okay I can do that. We have sand bags here. I am loading up my alice pack. How much weight, how many reps, how many per rep. For reference I can bust out 20 proper form push ups pretty easily. If I really fucking work I could probably do about 35 proper push ups but it leaves me beat

20 slow and cntrolled 5 sets 30 seond rest , good luck

saved... thanks user!

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yeah it's a solution to the utilities problem

Attached: 203800D9-1664-4B31-BE81-D80E90A9159C.png (440x275, 7.7K)

checked and thank you bro

right, I understand that, but the answer to the utilities problem is always some kind of meme like "poke hole in page and run line on backside of paper". Which I guess is effectively what superimposing the problem on a klein bottle is doing, being some kind of meme.. God I hate this website so much.

This is a klein bottle, yes they're a thing

>several sets throughout the day for fastest gains

what exactly is meant by this

it's called greasing the groove
the site recommends not going to fatigue but it's honestly fine to go as far as can per set until you can no longer hold perfect form. the moment you break form, stop

cool, im glad i asked

It's called the genus of the graph which is the kind of surface it can be embedded in (placed with no intersections).
The utility graph needs a different genus surface than the plane

I know exactly where this was taken. Went running there the other day. Almost ate shit on the glass section by the bike area

Damn what the fuck post all of them

Attached: High Volume Workouts - Benefits for Max Results Old School Calisthenic.jpg (1903x7788, 3.03M)

stop it with the fucking routines, just grind out some excercises until you plateau