Change, not replace

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I took my ex to the gym and she cried because I was being mean to her

Doesn’t the girl feel insulted by this type of talk?


>had to get a boob job and hide the loose skin in her pants
nah bro, I'm sweet

And now she's out of his league

Attached: displeasurement.jpg (540x360, 32.6K)

>That face
Should replace.

Roid delt manlet

Yes but if you get them on gear they'll change their mind.

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He's the reverse Brosnan


le roided us army freak

fatty cope

Feminists must be annihilated

Not misogyny, if he was bisexual and applied the "change don't replace" logic to a boyfriend, would he also be a man hater?

Smh they'll use any excuse to not improve themselves or skirt responsibility.

The left really is about destroying beauty isn't it?

Dig dinh ding we have a weiner

i know that feeling, getting cried at because they feel like they're not able to keep up with you

Fucking roids really do age up the face, don't they?

Dude looks like 30 years have passed

Why do fatties coppy this chick so exclusively?

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Lol imagine not having a weiner what

This bitch has never had a man to replace, so...

she still has fat genetics in her. Plus all the stretch marks and loose skin

Right to left is before and after, r-right?

Is she saying he should have replaced her? I don't understand

The absolute STATE of women. They are such despicable horrible creatures.

I know this is an unpopular opinion so dont dislike, but the left one's face is prettier

There are more bitter single women than there are in relationships

Why don't you scroll down and read more idiot? Turns out her boyfriend didn't even make that post.

She's right too. It's a pretty fucked way to phrase it, which is why some random incel retard online wrote that and not her boyfriend.

>Those cannonball delts
Who cares?

Are you trolling?