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When you're not normal or healthy everything is triggering
You know what? Minus the way this idea is presented, I kind of agree with it.
PE should be graded in terms of personal progress rather than just stats. It's not math, and it helps build the correct mentality for fitness.
Your pathetic would be eaten alive by our Russian school girl
>Grades for PE
Do Americans really?
>t. picked last in every single team sport
Was about to type this out but refreshed the thread and saw your post. I completely agree. PE (in school) should be graded on personal progress because you're forced to take it. If you're fat that basically means you'll automatically fail, and when kids are the age that they're taking PE their parents are usually controlling their diets, meaning that it's not even their fault that they're fat in the first place.
nah he's totally got a point, giving fat kids a bad grade because they can't climb a rope is really fucking stupid and is only going to discourage them from making an effort in the class. PE and weightlifting classes should be graded on attendance, attitude and actually paying attention to what the instructor teaches you
To provide an example. If you needed to lift [N]lbs to get an A in gym, and someone can lift that much weight at the beginning of the semester, then they might think "Why bother lifting heavier weights when I'm already guaranteed an A?"
Before anyone jumps up my butt, this is actually how my school graded running the mile. The fat kids ended up thinking "I'll never get an A, and I can't get lower than an F, so..." and would just walk the whole way.
what pe class have you faggots taken in the last 10 years that isn’t graded on participation?
I knew the schools I went to sucked but never this much. PE from elementary school all the way to 12th grade was just walking the track 90% of the time. If it was raining we dicked around inside the gymnasium and sat on the bleachers. There was never any tracking of stats
But I actually like the idea of having to hit certain milestones to get the grade (be it body weight or just basic shit like cardiovascular health/being able to run 3 miles instead of not even 1/4th of one). It was always an automatic A for me, and I was obese in highschool
Fuck you too. Have you tried not being a weak piece of shit?
any high school in rural USA still has a ciriculum from the 1970's
NGL, yeah, I was that kid.
I didn't get fit until I got out of a school environment and starting lifting.
if you show up you get an A
Here's a video of me deadlifting 5pl8 you stupid fucking nigger.
Pretty much this.
My teacher in P.E does this, normal or thin guys have to run around the track like 5 times and fatties only have to do run around it like 3 times or how much times they actually can, for what I know their grades were based more in their discipline and willingness to do something than in completing the task given
My school, and just about every school ive talked to students of, has only ever had PE grad d based on effort. And most PE instructors had a hard time keeping track of everyone's effort AND referee/teach whatever the fuck we were supposed to be doing that they ended up giving everyone an A. My senior year, though, they changed shit up. They let people lift and be graded based on progress, or do cardio activities and be based on effort. They bought heartrate monitors each student would wear and it would graph where your heart rate was. In some manner of thinking, fat unhealthy people had an advantage here because even a brisk walk would have their heart pounding, but at least it was a step in the right direction.
I was forced to take PE until like 10th grade and now that I think about it I don't think I ever didn't get an A. I don't know what they were grading us on, but I don't feel like I ever even tried. We would just play dodge ball, walk the track, play flag football, stuff like that. What I am saying is how do you fail PE? At my schools it seems like you just had to show up. A lot of the times when I was in high school PE, girlfriend and I literally showed up for the first 5 minutes and when we all split up to pick something to play, we just left. It's just an easy elective. And this was in like 2007. Can't speak for now, but it's crazy to think about now. High school really was a joke.
PE is a class created when everyone was thinking and active, tinkered with over time to remove any robust activity and fill it with garbage. Need to be redesigned from the ground up like this, to treat progress as the goal and to focus on proper technique over anything else.
I’m not a nigger, you nigger. If you’re not weak why are you arguing that genetic rejects should be given participation medals in gym class? Even the most out of shape fatties and skelly tier twigs did fine in my gym class back in high school, the only “people” who would ever be at risk of failing gym are people who fail at being a normal human being.
Objectively correct. If you disagree you probably have issues.
>14 year old grows up in lower middle class family
>retard trailer trash parents feed him nothing but processed shit
>up until his teenage years, he has no agency or capability to learn that drinking pepsi is about as healthy as drinking antifreeze
>decides to start learning about nutrition and asks his parents to try buying him healthy food
>still gets an F in PE because he's not a fucking autist fasting on snake juice to lose all the weight in one semester
you can't expect agency from children, it's 100% entirely the fault of parents and role models that a kid under 16 ends up fat or weak, save your autistic MIGHT MAKES RIGHT 1488 SIEZE THE DAY bullshit for adults, sperg
current grading for PE is literally just if u get dressed; thats 80% of ur grade
15% is tests
5% is actively participting
wtf this nigga mean
Based user.
I never had a PE class that was graded based on performance, it was basically guaranteed A unless you were disruptive or something.
tfw the autistic downie kid gets picked before you
>genetic rejects
>people who have the misfortune of being born into a family that doesn't know or doesn't care about nutrition and exercise
Not everyone has been afforded the same opportunities as you, faggot. Not everyone has the same starting point. But everyone should be rewarded for honest hard work and effort. If someone is genuinely putting in the sweat and time into bettering themselves, that's what matters.
the adhd kids had the real advantage, stims would make their hear rate a million miles an hour
Kids would just do poorly on purpose the first time to make it look like they improved. Don't be naive.