Does anyone else here only lift so they can beat the shit out of normies? I have other methods of harming them such as guns, bearspray, poisons and several knives but beating the shit out of them is the most enjoyable.
Does anyone else here only lift so they can beat the shit out of normies...
Lifting will only marginally help you fighting.
been doing muay thai and bjj for that reason
nothing more empowering than being capable of taking on almost anyone
when you get into a fight unless you sucker punch or beat up a disabled kid you will get destroyed
knows his shit
>nothing more empowering than being capable of taking on almost anyone
what a fucking retarded ass statement, tough guys are the ones that get dropped in any genuine combat sport or scenario. overconfidence will get you killed
>Two of the most gentrified martial arts out there
These were based 20 years ago but are now filled with 25-35 year old suburban IT working söyboys.
That's why kickboxing and wrestling is based, as it is the ghetto version of Muay Thaï and BJJ
>Be me, OP
>Get home stressed from work, blow off some steam and check on poison cabinet
>Lovingly pull a vial of Tetrodotoxin from shelf three, remembering how I BTFO of a blue ringed octopus for it.
>Toils of the day are forgotten, go sleep on bed made out of knives.