be me

> be me
> virgin
> get fit
> hop on tinder
> match with a cute girl
> bio says she’s actually a trap
> wants to suck my dick tho
> also will let me fuck her

Should I do it brehs?

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>holiest of days
>wants to fuck a man

Repent zoomer before it's too late.

Only if you’re on tren and have molly handy

You will forever regret doing it if you have even a sliver of a conscious and self-respect.

godspeed user

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Dude if I were you Id start to seriously follow YHWH's Law because whats coming isnt some bullshit you can deal without Him
Ideally you learn hebrew (or better yet paleo-hebrew) and read the old testament, and new testament versions in hebrew

The answer is obvious, faggot. Yes.

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try the blowie and see how you feel about it. Then decide if you wanna pound that boipussy.


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screencap chat pls

>Matches with Trap
>Trap wants to fuck
>Calls trap 'Her'.

Too late for this one, Lads.

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user at least fuck a hot tranny

Oh no...

>should I do it brehs

it hurts me to think that this would be your first

>match with a cute girl
>a qt gurl

LARP thread, nobody besides GIGACHADs get matches on tinder in 2020, and the likelihood of OP being a GIGACHAD is 0

I’m being real with you OP
Don’t do it

how much can they bench?

The answer is no, you only lose your virginity once, you should do it with a real woman and you should do it out of love, not out of desperation.

Well now the digits say you have to user

Not op but I’m ugly as fuck like actually a 3/10 goblin but I’ve fucked 25 girls from tinder lmao and have like 300 matches rn

Why do you refer to him with this pronoun?

kek at biblefags in this thread, imagine cucking for a 2000+ year old illiterate jewish carpenter

not a "her", but do it

Hubba hubba

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>imagine cucking for a 2000+ year old illiterate jewish carpenter
And somehow he was remembered and worshipped for 2000+ years, almost as if he really did what he said he would

How? I can't get matches for shit

have a slightly interesting profile, be it photos or bio. Wont work as well as being absurdly good looking but do what you can to stand out- girls have a lot more options. Im not the dude you were replying to but when i was on tinder i used funny photos and a weird bio and it resonated with quirky chicks and i got laid a few times

Based and Christpilled

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lmfao bruh what
are you ugly as fuck or something that this is your standard