Why is every gamer I've ever met an absolute beta male...

Why is every gamer I've ever met an absolute beta male? I know this is anecdotal and some of these dudes are respectable. But fit gamers seem to be the hyper minority. What is it about games that makes dudes such small people?

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i would unleash my flames in her mouth if ye know what am saying.

I can't seem to understand what you're getting at. Can you rephrase?

competetive pc gaming is what like 90% of all males do nowadays tf u mean.

Henry cavill and vin diesel are gamers

id give her the burn ye know, the chow chow ;)

Still...no idea.

Are you trying to say that you'd best them nuts all down her throat until she drowned?

Oh shit, 2 out of 47 million "gamers" aren't exactly what OP mentioned. OP must be a fag.

You want to put a blowtorch in her mouth? Sounds dangerous.

I think he's saying he would like to take her out on a date :)

It can all be boiled down to that when you live vicariously you physically, mentally, and emotionally atrophy.

Soiboys play vidya because it lets them stay comfortable and never work hard to achieve anything great. For an example I had a 5’ soiboy friend who was embarrassingly intimidated by me (6’2”) and when we hung out he’d want to play smash bros, it’s all he’d want to do. Me being new I was learning to play, him having played his whole life he won every time. Then he’d rub it in my face in a beyond just bros type of way. It was his big win to feel like he beat somebody larger than him, even if it was just in a video game. It was sad. Once I got good and started winning he would refuse to play.

Vidya is an escape for weak “men” to feel strong for a change. In Doom they’re “The Slayer” who rips and tears demons, but in real life they’re just “Frank” the 120lb twink who can’t talk to girls. That’s why betas have such an affinity for video games. It’s an escape form reality. A distraction. A way to feel accomplished without doing anything in the real world that takes real struggle and effort to achieve.

Video games are an instant feedback loop of degeneracy. You sit down and turn off ur brain, leading to people effectively waking up from comas when they turn that shit off. These gaymers have the maturity of a 15 year old at age 25 because they've been unironically stunted from turning off their brain so much

Post body

You’re all mentally ill faggots. Seek help.

You've obviously never played modded minecraft or modded factorio.


Most people that breathe air are absolute beta males

Well idk mate, probably because it let's them escape reality of being ugly weak ass bitches so they don't change anything.
I played games when I had a long distance relationship. I would talk to her on skype for half an hour or so and then just start playing games while she babbles on in the background. Based or cringe?

t. seething gaymer

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Why is every oldschool Wow player ripped AF?

I can only talk for myself but I got so into gaming because i found it really hard to make friends as a kid. My sister bullied the shit out of me when i was 1-5 years old and i was terrified of other people, especially girls. I didnt make any meaningful friends until i went to secondary school and met my best friend at 12.

I used videogames to escape because i was miserable. Ive stopped playing them now but i wish i had stopped sooner. Ive had pretty consistent gfs for the past 10 years (26 now) but being socially stunted and miserable cut any aspirations i had and i just drifted around doing drugs, having chronic sleep deprivation and getting fired from jobs every 2 months.

I know its pathetic to blame someone else for me ruining my own life but my parents just let it all happen and laughed along because they thought it was funny, not realising that me stopping smiling and talking was because of it.

Thanks for reading my blog post i feel nice after having written it out.


>You’re all mentally ill faggots. Seek help

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Basically this. It doesn't necessarily create them so much as they're drawn to it.

>be me
>be a gamerfag
>be a skinny fat loser
>stop gaming
>ripped 6 months later
The electronic jew, vidya.

There are almost no dudes under the age of past his prime who don't play games at least periodically, except drug addicts.

Youre gonna make it user. Just keep going.

There is a big difference between playing games periodically and playing them enough to refer to yourself as a gamer. For some, vidya is just a wind down. For others it is everything. The vidya world is the life they enjoy, more than their own life. They immerse themselves in the games because its a way to escape from their own pitiful existence and achieve meaningless goals. In their actual lives they don't achieve anything.

I know that nowadays that e-sports is bigger its actually not uncommon for young kids (between 6-15) to want to have a career in gaming either on twitch or as a "pro" it's actually reached a point where a lot of parents sort of accept because they realize how much money is in it.

I'm not saying you should go for your dream but the gaming industry is bigger than ever because of this, eletronic devices get handed to children at around age 2 so it's sports outside or getting Yas Forums isn't really something they think about as much. A lot of playgrounds are empty during school hours because they rather be inside the classroom on their ipads/iphones during break, sending snaps and shit to each other.

Gaming sucks your soul away from you. You spend all your energy consuming the product of another mans hard labor. You spend 8 hours a day playing some other mans creation. You are sucking the penis of another mans hard work. Yes, please play another 8 hours of CS:GO, yes please play another 5 hours of overwatch, yes please consume my content. ConSOOOOM IT. I made it just for you. I want you to give all your energy into getting good at something I made. You are my perfect little betamale who has learned the game that I set the rules to. Please, keep playing it :)

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You are going to make it sir,

I will never ever understand this.

The "just chatting" section of twitch is 90% women just showing off their tits and they always have 10k+ viewers

What are these viewers hoping for? They want her attention for 2 seconds so they give her money.. Then what? Do they realize you can go outside and meet actual real life women? I mean yeah all men are attracted to women with big tits (at least to some degree) but just bust your nut and move on? I will never understand it

I have a similar story. Except I stopped 2 years ago. Now I'm about to go to a university for CS, earn some € and get Yas Forums and healthy. To finally leave the house.

I've had so many girls that obviously wanted to go out/fuck, but I was too big of a pussy and gamed all day. They'd out right ask me; "Do you want to fuck user?" But my skinnyfat self would be too socially awkward to say yes.

Afraid to talk to people, even eye contact, till today, makes my breathing heavy. Got gut issues and intestinal issues due to stress. And I'm pretty sure mentally, I'm not in the right mind, even now.

All because of a fucked up family, similar to you. Except for me it was a fucked up dad, which made my siblings into control-freaks aswell.

Long story short; my dad didn't teach me the proper path. Not about women, finances, social situations, work, trades, college, /fitness/ and instead, I'd get punished when I acted out of their image.