Making it thread

Post one way in which you are making it. No sadcunts or r9k faggots. Good vibes only.

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I haven't killed myself.

semi based


1/2/3/4 for reps

make 140k/ year as a Fintech software dev (Java Master Race)

can cause incels to rage hysterically and under 10 mins of convo

have been cooking for myself all of quarantine while keeping under $100/week on food

this might be higher than a lot of you but I'm used to spending $1000/month on food so this is big for me

I have come to the realisation that life is suffering. This was a very hard redpill for me to swallow but it this knowledge has made me happy and relieved in a strange way.

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New commercial electrician job is going well and pays better(to any other sparkies out there GTFO of residential ASAP). Still waiting for this Corona meme to end so I can take classes through my company already and I wanna strangle the DUDE WEED LMAO kid I'm working with

Gardening hobby is coming along nice. My indoor hyacinths and freesias are coming along nicely and I've been highly considering making my own pots.

Waiting for this remaining winter cold to fuck off so the warm weather around the corner to come back

Enjoying vidya again

Slowly and surely getting on the NoFap train. This shit really does fuck with you in your mid 20s

Bodyweight exercises at home keep me in decent shape waiting for the gym

The only thing I wish I could get rid of is this overwhelming self-disappointment in myself it took until I was 25 to get my shit together. I look at those my age and realize I'm incredibly behind and will be until I get my journeyman's 3-4 years from now

>Girl at work said I look really good
>Look at her and nod
>Now when I see her I freeze up and just pretend she's not there
>I really like her tho

I haven't had sex since February man. I'm losing my mind.

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Squatting, benching deadlifts almost every day. Lots of volume and bodybuilding work after.

Read up on literature, history when I can.
I'm not looking forward to some ending of a quarantine.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow to blast some fucking weights and educate myself. Time will pass too fast and you will be old before you know it.

25 is a good age to get your shit together. you don't realize how many losers there are in this world

Decided not to date a really hot girl because she was crazy


>Officer in the AF
>Bought a house last year
>I promote in 2 months and will start maxing out both BRS (mil version of 401K) and IRA
>On track to retire in my 42 (just turned 30 last week), but will probably do 20 years in military (will be 48) and retire with that pension and live like a king (to me)

Still trying to swallow this one even though the past 4 years have been nothing but

wholesome post

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yeah.... you dont program

no, 18 is a good age to get your shit together.

if you wait until you are 25 to get a decent career, you're going to be making dog shit

How do I make the never ending feeling of just getting off the short bus go away?

You're the LARP with the baseballs in the other thread. Timestamped bodypic or GTFO and go back to Yas Forums

ive kind of abandoned the aesthetics side of fitness and i now derive all my fitness enjoyment and pleasure from just working out hard as all fuck everyday now have never been happier. 4 x failure truly is the way forward

ok pajeet

That's great and all but most people don't know what the fuck they want to do with their lives at 18. Shit, most don't at 30. Your brain isn't fully developed as a man until about age 25 anyway.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I didn't get my shit together until ~24 and even then, I'm way the fuck ahead of most of my peers. Progress is not linear. Now it's like I'm in a different universe than people who were ahead of me when I decided to get my shit together.

there is no good or bad. there is just life. when good things happen, I am not over joyous. when bad things happen I am not overly affected. I appreciate the good times but recognise there is no need to be upset when they go away. And with not even a slight hint of suicidal meaning and without sadness or misery, I find genuine joy knowing that this life will eventually be over.

What's your story, user? I'd prefer a positive story before the baseball LARP shits up the thread

I do.
Java is still a yikes. Outdated and slow; everything that once made it special is now available in every other modern language.

remind yourself that even if others judge you negatively, ultimately it's you living your life and never someone else. The thought they give you lasts five seconds and then disappears, yet you're stuck in your body forever. At the end of your life it's always you answering the question "Was my life worth it?", not someone else. Maybe you weren't the next Alexander the Great or Mark Zuckerberg but your life was yours, and only yours.

My point is, it's up to you to decide whether or not you're really a retard or not. If you can laugh it all off and smile at the end of your life, it was still worth it even if you weren't the best or were kind of late to start, right?

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Got 2 girls to go out with me

(was until covid fucked everything up) finally getting pretty girls to approach me in classes. Went from 120lbs to 175lbs in 4 years, starting frauding about 8 months ago now about 201

You're wrong. Life is about enjoyment and fulfillment. Don't give up on yourself, man.

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Shhh. Let the children play.

Saw my GF today. Tore my acl recently now I bench with my legs flat no arch and my upper body is growing. 4.0 in university although I’m taking dogshit easy basics. Life is decent other than Jew rona.

Finally starting to fully recover from the Wanton Flu after being in hospital for 8 days

Have to work from home for the next few weeks, best news Ive had all month. Job involves finding flaws in the code for company website. Easy as shit get paid 65k to do it.

Starting to workout at home since gym is closed to the virus. Now starting to look into home gym master race.

Have over 25k saved up for a down payment on a nice house that I hope to purchase soon.

Started playing old school runescape again and enjoying the hell out of it.

Id say shits going pretty ok.

name one single thing that made java "special" and why it is now obsolete

you wont. because you're just some pathetic web dev with an associates

Complement something she’s wearing or if she does her hair user. Not her body bc thats incel as fuck. She’ll warm up to you be patient play the long con brother

ok jr. dev

Cucked by BRS and not legacy retirement
>never gonna make it.

This was me
First generation immigrant, came to the US at age 10. I started playing WoW in 10th grade and it was basically the only thing I did after graduating. I had no drive to do anything else. I'd wake up, game for 16 hours and then sleep. I'd only leave the house to go to work, which was only 2-3 days a week. I started going to college after a year of this, was half-assing it. I was never full time and took the summers off, was still playing WoW. This went on for another 3-4 years or so after high school.

I can't remember exactly what triggered it, but one day I realized that if things kept going in this trajectory, I was on track to have a very miserable life. I realized I never applied myself because I wanted to preserve my ego. I was always told and believed that I was smart, but I've never actually put myself in a position where I was really challenged. If I didn't try and failed, I could tell myself that I wasn't really trying anyway so the failure didn't count. I decided to put up or shut up and start taking my coursework seriously. I think I was about 23 at this point. No more excuses. If I wanted to keep thinking I was hot shit, I no longer got to take it for granted that I was, I would have to prove it. That thought alone changed the entire course of my life.

Overnight, everything in my life (people/relationship/things) got put into two categories, things that will help me succeed and things that can't. I quit wow, all social media and buckled down. My life became work-lift-study-sleep. I found the perfect job that matched my class schedule and put my nose to the grindstone. The owner loved me, the only problem was that my direct manager hated my guts. He took it as his sole responsibility to make my life so miserable that I'd quit. (cont)