If I take SARMs am I still natty?
If I take SARMs am I still natty?
This girl probably thinks she's attractive
No you'll get all the side affects maybe more but 1/4 the gains
Who cares, nobody will know besides you. SARMs have helped me gain fairly significant amount of muscle, theyre worth it.
Depends on the "SARM".
Most of them are broscience bullshit, some of them are actually legitimate steroids (hurr durr superdrol is a SARM!)
Just take something that works (a steroid) or don't. Stop being a half-assed pussy.
No, but why give a fuck?
Because then I have to turn in my natty card and leave humanity behind.
all the websites that say sarms have less sides than normal roids are all bullshit written by the same legion of con artist
rad-140 permanently fucked up my hairline
If god wanted you to be natty, he wouldn't have allowed for PEDs to exist.
That's the way I see it anyhow bruh
Why would you use anything other than Ligandrol?
Really? Damn, I'm about to start a Rad 140 cycle but hair loss is my biggest fear (as I'm already slowing my hairs...
Any hair loss with that?
No, Ligandrol has no hair loss side effects. It is by far the safest SARM.
I wouldn't go with Ostarine because ostarine can give you hepatic problems if you're prone to it.
Rad-140 causes hair loss, I wouldn't go with it at all.
Ok, I'll go with that then. The most impressive before/after cycle (sarms) pictures I have seen were with ldg anyway. But a bit scared it was mostly due to more water retention in the muscles.
At least one hundred men tell her she is every time she posts a pic of herself. How make feel?
that's a trap
But its super suppressive of your T. chances are OP has no PCT source
anyone can get nolva online
Fuck off back to /gif/ or Yas Forums. No one here gives a shit about her fucking a BBC all Yas Forumsizens are gay.
That's a dude
Took Rad140. Only side effect I experienced was severe anxiety.
Most of those gains shrunk and were pissed away when I went off cycle for corona.
Fucking neck yourself
SARMS are a meme. Enjoy your shitty cholesterol and barely noticeable gains. Also not worth the low test for months after, which can still happen on sarms to people even if they pct. If you can't get look good natty then you'll look just as shit on something.
Ligandrol is one of the worst ones. Not worth the lower test production for months after a cycle and shitty cholesterol. All you get is sick pumps and a little gains. Take some ostarine if it's your first time then move onto test if you want something stronger. Pinning test always and still is the best option for newbies.
Second this.
Sarms were the miracle drug when they had no one using it and no data on it but now all you see is the longer term effect of people with shitty side effects from taking high dosages just to get a fraction of the gains from test.
Pin test if you're a newbie or learn to train properly and settle for some good natty gains in a couple years that look better than most of the idiots on gear at your local gym.
post body.
Guarantee you don't even look close to peak natty potential.
before, after pics
take 1mg of LGD, retards getting the side effects will be taking 10 times this.
1mg is proven to give results with no sides, perfect for a slight boost above natty.
She's not wrong.