Yas Forums related

So why is this site so fucking cancer?

>Say: go away lady we at no fap grr!
>Her: *timpestamps*
>The entirety of the thread now caters to her with compliments and tips on how to lose wait

I honestly wish we had to post with our IDs so you eurasiantiger tier bugmen could just shut the fuck up with your alpha man projections.

Fucking shit tier site

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Other urls found in this thread:


lose weight*

>I honestly wish we had to post with our IDs so you eurasiantiger tier bugmen could just shut the fuck up with your alpha man projections.
>Fucking shit tier site

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Why are you so obsessed with this guy? You have these crazy delusions and a persecution complex. You must have a tiny dick haha


Because many replies remind me of him

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Because nobody really believes in the nofap/christian virgin/trad gf meme

It's all cope because they are involuntarily celibate.
>you're not going to fuck me, well I didnt want you anyway slut
It's all acting tough. The moment they are face to face with a real woman they immediately revert back to the thirsty virgins they are.

Anyone on this website saying they are only going to marry a virgin/trad/22yo will get married to a nonvirgin/27yo/progressive. These are the betas that will marry the older woman. They are the very thing they clown on.

Threads like the one you describe simply reveal it

Back to Plebbit, lmfao.


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>>Say: go away lady we at no fap grr!
Is this satire? If not, fucking kill yourself.

>Anyone on this website saying they are only going to marry a virgin/trad/22yo will get married to a nonvirgin/27yo/progressive. These are the betas that will marry the older woman

This is true, but this is exactly the same people that will blow up threads with unironic tryhard garbage, makes no sense to throw shit at each other in here, in the end it all culminates with someone posting a pic of himself and sending them all into SW

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Because fit is full of actual incels that reached wizard status, the feel that saying anything but conan the barbarian level of simplicisms is being weak.

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If I have to tell you if its satire or not you are the part of the problem

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You think tenda actually posts here to get a crumb of that bbc coochie?

race mixing should be a crime

Retard coomers shit up every part of the site. I wish there was AI bot for this site that filtered are nudity and other garbage posts.

>eurasiantiger tier bugmen
the past couple months Yas Forums has been being raided by aznidentity and r/hapas
seems they've spilled over onto other boards recently too
there was a thread on /g/ a while back where one of them went off because a picture showed a white dude and an asian lady giving some demonstration
funny, we don't hire Asian boys at our office for this exact reason (just kidding haha xdd)

theres people from other sites like mgtow and /r/asianmasculinity that spend all that blackpilling and shitposting

Hes just a boogeyman. BBC posting is pretty fun. I'm black, I wouldnt be suprised if other black or even white anons unironically do it

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Where did all this talk of like black dicks and whatnot come from?

>Most threads have a random dude talking about "big black dick"
>Every ideal body threads has that pic of the black dude holding his dick
>Any thread with a girl as OP's pic immediately has replies about black dick.

What is this? Is it trolling, or are there dudes that actually post about black men fucking their gf unironically?

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Mostly just trolling, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some degens on here.

jewish war poinsoning the minds of "ironic" alt rightists

Seems like hapas are more retarded than the sum of their parts, wasnt elliot rodger a hapa too? I remember not so long ago 8kun got spammed with 5 pages of hapa superiority. I always thought the bbc posters were from the jidf, but seems like not even they are so fucking bored.

>Pictured a roastie hapa that got facefucked until puke for 200 dollars
>Dad is a millionaire

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I forward ronnie coleman and I dont particularly care about roasties such as getting bbc'd / beheaded in a sharia frenzy. That being said its very annoying when a high effort thread dies for the 100th BUILT FOR BBC thread of the day .

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God damn she needs a late night British Broadcasting Company special premiere

>Seems like hapas are more retarded than the sum of their parts,
if you actually spend some time on those subreddits you'll see their mostly populated by full Asians males
hapas do have issues tho

>A new study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals concludes that biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.

So we are supposed to just endure this new layer of autism and retardation?

I say IDposting MUST be enforced so we dont lose nerves even attempting to have an understanding with them.

>Possibilities include influences of ethnic identification and experiences of ethnic discrimination

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Yung Tenda
