Tricky Babby Dick

Hey bros,

I have a bit of an issue. How does one deal with a flaccid babbydick? Like without an errection I have full on retracted babbydick, like only the head and some skin poking out of my pelvis. It's not even like it's hidden in fat or anything, I'm in ok shape, skinnyfat at worst. When I get an erection I'm a solid 7.5-8 inches, which would be fine if I could get erect on command or walk around with a hardon all day.

The only time my dick looks normal flaccid is after having an erection, it looks normal for like 20 minutes before retracting back in. Combine this with the fact that I don't get erections very easily, like I cant get hard just looking at a naked girl or thinking about sex, and it makes for some very emasculating situations with women.

I've had a woman straight up laugh at me when trying to pull my dick out for a beej. I've had a woman say "oh... good for you" after I start to get hard and it becomes clear I'm not a complete disappointment. There is visible disappointment in their eyes when they first see it. This embarrassment makes it even harder to get an erection and sometimes I'm just the pathetic dude with the soft babbydick who resorts to watching a movie when it doesn't work out.

I don't know what to do, I've tried stretching it out before pulling it out and that sorta works but I have to do that like a minute or less before, and then it looks like I'm playing with my dick in my pants.

Its embarrassing enough that I can't even imagine walking around naked in front of a girl because all she would look at is the little chode poking out.

I'm not even kidding about this, I wish I was. How does one acquire flaccid aesthetics?

Attached: dscf7988.jpg (800x800, 211.67K)

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I'm trans btw if that matters

No I'm not.

Full man, real dick, real problems here.

op lemme see that bp im finna fuck aha

fuck off VA

Why do baby dicks always lie about their erection size. If your dick was big erect it would be big when flacid. All that extra skin doesnt just magically disappear.

Either way, get yourself hard first before you pull your pants down. Either have her touch you, or you touch her. You dont just pull your pants down from the jump lol. Even girls like to be a little wet before they get naked

I'm not lying. It's legit 7.5"+ from the pelvic skin.

When flaccid the skin is still there, is't just bunched up around the head like a piece of calamari

Sure babydick

I'd post a pic if it wouldn't get me banned.

Your thread made me laugh op. Sorry about your problem

Post it then delete the image. You wont get banned that way

just embrace it man, sph is unironically my thing but i'm cursed with a slightly above average penis

that is pretty fucking normal.
stop watching porn and comparing the shit dicks they show there to yours.
they fucking use viagra and other shit to stay hard.
it also depends where you come from.

post it as an i.4cdn link, you won't get banned

please post cock

Im a "grower" as well man. My suggestion would be to do some stretching exercises before sex time to get things warmed up
Watch this video to get an idea of what to do:

I'm not sure what you mean by trans but that's most likely the problem desu. It's probably better to fix the source of the problem.

why the fuck would I make my dick less sensitive?
why not just fuck the girl, climax and fuck her 2min later again?
this is a shit advice.

Edge yourself, focus on not cumming immediately. Will take time. Meanwhile if you cum fast just finger the shit out if her or eat her out till you get hard again. She won't give a shit if you make her cum

Attached: IMG_20200324_225637.jpg (718x1062, 137.78K)

This isn't the worst case as I just jerked off a little bit ago but it demonstrates the issue.

Stop sitting. Strengthen core and stretch tight hip muscles. You have hard flaccid syndrome


nice cock

Attached: 2709228C-5BBE-4655-A1A0-2044E9D8904F.jpg (620x387, 57.09K)

lol what the fuck

Do some cardio and eat foods that help increase blood flow (avocado, garlic, etc.)
Avoid lifting and putting on a lot of muscle mass, this will make it even smaller when it's flaccid

holy grower batman


Yikes. Yeah definitely hide it in your pants until you're actually hard or at least chubbed.

Circulation problem. Angion method is your best bet

I have the same problem except it not as small when flaccid.

Well there's your problem. You've been snipped. If you still had your foreskin this wouldn't be an issue.

I dont think lack of extra skin is his issue lmao.

Retard, I'm not cut and I have the same problem, it's just a lot of fat around your penis in combination with being a grower.

Just do nofap and work on pelvic floor muscles; Im sorry OP that sounds nightmarish

why is it horrible?

Just when I thought I had gotten over all my insecurities, this thread ruins my day. Fuck this place man.

nerve damage. I said look it up. Look at why jelqing or whatever its called is bad

So it will just make you feel less? I don't really jelq. I Do a fed jelq pulls a day but not dozens of times like you're supposed to do it. Did I fuck up? My orgasms aren't as intense and my dick is not as sensitive as it used to be.