Why would I lift if I can hire escorts?

Why would I lift if I can hire escorts?

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Do you lift for the sole reason of getting women? If so don't even start.

whores deserve the rope.
spreaders of syphilis.

There's no other reason to lift. Muh strength is not a reason


unironically ngmi

This is the wrong board for you.

pathetic underage subhuman degenerate simp coomer delusional retard faggot. NGMI hang yourself from the squat rack tell people ur training neck hangs x failure

so you can look good, have energy, and go shopping for lots of clothes that'll fit you :)
this word salad is stale

Having strength comes with a lot of general utility but it is pretty useless in the modern world unless shit hits the fan. In general though it keeps you healthy. Also good escorts are $500 an hour where I live, if you get one every weekend that would cost $26k in a year. If you can pick up girls in your regular social outings you'll save a lot of money

>If you can pick up girls in your regular social outings you'll save a lot of money
Nah I can't, it's more viable to just get rich

word salad lol

It's all so tiresome


I patiently wait for the day that some jew wrongs me in the streets. Thats why I lift


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Lifting isn't just for physical gains, there's mental gains too. I have ADHD (and there's probably plenty of other spergs on this board who can relate) and it's almost a cure. You think better, sleep better, and overall get more done.

Alright see ya later dude. Theres no reason to be on this board for you.

Sex is meaningless without love. Sex without love is equivalent to masturbation, but with extra steps.

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why do either. just rape. someone has to do it.

day of the rope won't spare your kind, eunuch kike

Agreed, you can get all the women you got but without love it isn't worth it, I got left by my favorite person but all the sex in the world will not fill that hole in my heart because without the meaning of the act, that's all it is an act a pointless and useless act that does nothing but make me wish it was her instead


strip club is where it's at. A place near me has $10 lap dance specials, can't fucking wait to go back once this virus clears up

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Sex is way more fun when you're in good shape.

Agree with this, for some reason working out makes me super horny. I think people generally don't know about this

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Believe it or not, this is the ultimate argument against lifting for women. Unless you are dumb or lazy or disabled, you will find much more success with women by getting rich. While lifting has diminishing returns over time, the amount of money you make can be always proportional to the amount if pussy you get. It doesnt just apply to prostitutes. Sluts are very attracted to a sugar daddy who can support their drug habits and excessive lifestyle.
>inb4: "that isn't true love!"
Yeah no shit. But just lifting isn't going to net you a traditional, faithful qtpi for a wife either.

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There's also the fact that simply being in better shape will mean that people treat you better

And you can just pound away without feeling like it really takes any effort. It's great.

what is the number one exercise you'd recommend for having the sex
have a new gf but I'm still kinda out of shape and we haven't done sex yet

Feels good having women lust hard over you. Sex is also 10x better when she actually wants to have sex with you.

no exercise will make you good at sex apart from maybe cardio to keep your boner going

sex for women is about stimulating their mind more than pounding away as hard and as fast as you can

but for me if I run or lift then I can count on being very horny the next day, which in turn turns my GF on cuz she likes me

thats pretty based
I need to start doing more cardio

Do core work like planks and do your cardio.

It won't make him "good" at it, but it'll make it more fun and he should do it.