I hit 1/2/3/4, when will my state mandated gf be delivered?
I hit 1/2/3/4, when will my state mandated gf be delivered?
Isn’t that Hollywood superstar Elizabeth Moss?
You are not. doing. the program.
The goal was that by pushing yourself to achieve 1/2/3/4, you would also better yourself enough to attain a gf on your own. The program didn't fail you, you failed the program. You don't get to redefine the program then claim that the program doesn't work.
If you aren't able to find a gf by yourself maybe you do not deserve one.
Peggy from Mad Men, she was pretty cute during the last seasons but she usually fills out the nerdy butterface girl in most movies. Shame.
Did you get in your 5:00 mile, too? You have to be balanced to get a state mandated gf.
I like practically everything she has done other than the handmaid's tale and that one sucking was not her fault.
Did you know shes extremely scientologist? Not even one of the normie scientologist apologists. More of a hardliner like tom cruise
I'd fuck the scientology out of her when she realizes this 4.88 inch monster cock is all she needs
good show
They said a GF. Don't be expecting a qt3.14 from the govt. More like pic related
No, that wasn't in the instructions user :(
Rare based posts on Yas Forums. Good work mates.
I hate her 10 seconds long expressions
>tfw no government mandated black gf
I wouldn't even mind one that was on the thicc side
2/3/4/5 is the cutoff for mandated gf, sorry you're retarded. you can weigh 140lbs and workout for a year and hit 1/2/3/4, its not impressive
Her face makes me irrationally angry
>received an unsollicited nude for the first time in 2 years
A.. Am I making it guys ?
yeah, her face and teeth look goofy as fuck
Post it and we'll let you know
Here's an underwear photo.
She's a very nice girl, dark blonde, blue eyes, very pretty face, good body for someone that isn't athletic, you can't see it from this angle be she's got a very nice hourglass figure. She lacks some ass tho
She's an 8/10 to me
Some states/provinces require a 5:00 (or more if you're in Asian states) mile time to be qualified to receive a gf under their cardio encouragement programs. Requirements for this user might not be the same in your region.
In terms of delivery, there are a few things that factor in.
1. location again (bureaucracies are just more efficient in some places)
2. Special circumstance or disabilities (any disabilities you apply for are rigorously reviewed and you may even be called in to interview)
3. If you have added any other outstanding lifts or exercises to your portfolio (Although common knowledge is correct, these will increase the quality of the gf received, processing these will take more time)
That being said, average delivery for a first world country is
[spoiler]Whenever you find someone who loves you back[/spoiler]
I was getting bitches before started to lift
it is not a thing for women, it's for you.
and if you could only accept this fact you would have had a gf
fucking nimrod
She's sucking in her tummy
5 min? Damn the standards are lenient as hell now
Your mandated gf will be delivered from Yas Forums and it'll have a penis.
>its a someone in the office pretends peggy is hot episode
sal, please
Only when you hit 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps
there must have been a missunderstanding, you need to do 2/4/6/8 for a government mandated gf. sorry user, translation errors happen.
Enjoy your 80% genital herpes rate. Not exaggerating.
Probably, but I know what she looks like irl, she's not fat