When did Quarantine break you?
It beat me after my dumbbell order was cancelled and it rained all week.
guess i'll just get fat now
When did Quarantine break you?
It beat me after my dumbbell order was cancelled and it rained all week.
guess i'll just get fat now
Around 28th of march, I broke my nofap and noporn streak. Now I think I'm on track, haven't done neither for over a week, and thankfully I haven't got fat, in fact I lost like 0.5kg (which is prob muscle, sadly). I really miss the gym.
Quarantine is great. Forced my boss to accept that I can work from home.
I’m going stronger than ever faggot. I was isolating before, but isolation is where I grow the most
Pic related
As a skele im loving this, i gained like 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks
>I’m going stronger than ever faggot
must be nice to have equipment.
i feel you brah.
>ordered some plate weights
>thought it was early enough before the run on them despite a long shipping time.
>night before rheyre supposed to arrive, get email saying "backordered" and theyll refund my money if they can't fill order w/in 2 mo.
shit sucks
This is all of shindols work boiled down to a pic
It didn't you worthless faggot
>all gyms closed
>family driving me nuts
>mother panic bought a load of food and is now forcing me to eat it before it goes bad
>already gained 6 pounds
I have a bench, dumbells, barbells, but I miss cables and the pull up bar :( and the ab bench is sorely needed for lower back.
the genderbend is ridiculously hot but once the pig cock was revealed i was out
I mean it is but my equipment is limited. An Olympic bar 45sX2 25sX2 5sX2 2.5sX2. But I’ve been just doing calisthenics. Pull-ups, dips. Sometimes I’ll supplement with weights. But I’m over weights now. Calisthenics seems way healthier for long term
Just freeze it dude, like wtf.
About 3 days into home office, when I realized nothing is stopping me from getting drunk while working
>right after quaratines are starting to pop up, home sick with a cold
>have opportunity to buy dumbbells for decent price
>decide to wait and see
>2 weeks pass
>dumbbells out of stock everywhere
>can physically feel my gains leaving me
your mother is a dumb cunt
who is this
just do leg raises and hanging variations for abs
I have a pull up bar and some cheap resistance bands from physical therapy.
yeah day drinking is fucking me over too
Honestly man pull-ups just seem like a killer for gaining mass. Obviously variation of weighted lower reps and higher reps
No drinking, just having way more time to do what you want.
>Adapted to lifting in my parents garage with limited equipment
>Essential worker, so work schedule still fairly consistent outside of reduced work hours
>Spent most of my time playing vidya anyways
Quarantine can't break me
I literally have nowhere to hang in my house, im open to suggestions on how to make it possible tho. (No squat rack..)
Not that user but I always felt it align my back in a really nice way. Not having them if fuck'd
oh my bad, thought you said you had a pull up bar
Yeah they’re also great for spine health. Just doing a dead hang decompresses your spine. I did like 40 of them today in sets of 3 (I weigh 245lbs)
For a moment I thought you might have some ghetto solution figured out.
Yes goy get fat and lazy and lose your inhibitions its all going according to plan AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
>more time to do what you want.
I don't know about your life user, but having all the time in the world, with nothing to do is a curse
My life was:
>working out
>drive to work and socialize with people
I can't go to the gym anymore, and my freetime was mostly spent infront of the computer. Now I spent time infront of the computer and switch into home office, which is basicly even spending more time infront of my computer.
Home office is a meme, you have shit to do.
It's slowly killing me inside and one way to pass time is drinking.
>inb4 just get a new hobby, draw or something :)
yea starting something new and difficult with the only motivation being bored and forced to do it, because there is nothing else, sure sounds like a great idea
Source? Also, quarantine hasn't fucked me super hard yet, I just miss going to the gym. Was working out at home since October and really liked getting into and learning barbell shit but only did it for 3 weeks before everything closed.
Has anyone seen a place that has kettlebells in stock can't find anything