You guys ARE measuring bonepressed r-right?

You guys ARE measuring bonepressed r-right?

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No, I measure completely flacid tip to pubes.

Wtf does that even mean?

prostate to tip

God damn I am such an insecure bitch but I just hope I can reach 6 feet tall. I am only 19 and I know I am still growing cause I was 5 foot 7 at age 18. It's like fuck this is why you don't fuck short women. My dads like 6 foot 3 and my moms 5 foot 4 and here I am. Well, atleast I am white, could be alot worse, could be 5 foot 4 and mixed race.

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7"x5.5" master race checking in

Dicklet detected. How can you live with yourself? Might as well become feminine and let me fuck you.



>I have never measured my penis

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I’m 7 in bp and like 5.5 nbp. Is that 1.5 even usable? What should I say to a girl if she asks?

Tell her she can take a look if she wants

I do, I know for a fact most guys do shit like . The more insecure a guy is the more likely he is to cheat measure and delude himself to cope. So take a 5’3” manlet who thinks his hue gut (lack off, rather) is to blame for his shit life and hell go and measure his 5” dick either on the bottom or with the ruler pressed into his thigh and then go around telling people “I have a 10” dick”. Just lmao

It could always be worse. You could be an Indian

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oh pajeet, shill me some coins

Lanklet suck my dick

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>implying that image is how your life goes
Manlet cope is adorable. You guys are like little humans. That picture isn’t about being short vs tall, it’s about being a beta or being a chad. A chad can be tall or short, a beta can be tall or short. Unfortunately for you, you’re both short and beta

I have the exact same measurements, I'm convinced it's the perfect size, not porn big but real life big everyone loves it girls and guys alike.

How fucking fat are you? That 1,5 inches would be usable if you were skinnier. Use that as motivation.

At what point does the dick shaft officially become the balls?

cope, of course ugly guys have a harder time. an ugly short guy would have an even harder time.

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tfw only 7''x5.2''
its over for me bros

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this is me too, king of pencil dicks

I used to think I was pretty big bc 7", but then heard that a girl I was hooking up with told her friend I was pretty average. was we hooked up drunk one time I brought up it up (I know, kill me), and she said "well, it's not about length, other guys are just... girthier..."

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15% bf. Just remeasured, It’s actually 1-1.25 difference. Is it really that bad?

started jelqing a couple of weeks ago
no results yet

I'm a skelly, that only makes a difference of a few milimeters for me.
I see no reason to cheat thar way.

>Dad 6'3"
>Mom 5'4" (asian)
>Me 6'6"
Imagine getting mogged by a mutt haha

You mirin'?

Oh its alright, my little brothers who actually got proper nutrition as a child will be up there with you and would mogg you just because they are white. Also my kids who will be tall as fuck because I will only impregnate a tall white woman will mogg you too. You see you cannot win, you mog one white man and 4 more come around the corner and remind you of what you are.

based. ricecels on suicidewatch

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Post body elliot

Well you are supposed to put the ruler above your dick, bone press and straighten it out as much as you can. That's how official measurements are done.

I'm 7x6. UwU I don't think mine looks or feels big in my hand but I'm a virgin so who knows.