/plg/ Powerlifting General - Squat

>What is /plg/?
/plg/ means /power larping general/, a bunch of nonlifting dyle guys pretend to be powerlifters and make own "programms", also we have some real powerlifter with tripcodes.

>I want to be a powerlifter!
SS/Greyskull LP -> TM/BBB/nsuns or whatever you like. see the list down below

>I want to be a powerlarper!
Your Welcome

>Is programm XY good?
its good if you stick to it and like it. this is a larp thread. or see down below.

>a guy without a trip gave me a advice
its a larp thread.

>how much do i need to lift to get a big titty health goth GF?
6 times 111 KG Bench
6 times 111 KG OHP
6 times 111 KG Squat
You get your big titty health goth GF then, just ask a couple of them for a date.

Approved Intermediate Programs for /plg/

>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
5th Set (late intermediates)
/plg/'s BBB 5/3/1 (fuck wendler)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (best for early intermediate)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (best in a good gym)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Simon's 3-day Texas method
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
Barbell Medicine
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
GZCL (any variation)
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template).
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor)
Hepburn (8x2-3s)

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)
Anything with hank in the name

Attached: Squat Angles.jpg (1920x1080, 660.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does the same post say to do nSuns and then call it a meme by a 1200 redditor?

>/plg/'s BBB 5/3/1
what is this?

If you're still here, shove your elbows forward and pull the bar down in to your back. What you're doing now is causing your upper back to cave. Never allow your elbows to shoot up

I judge programs by how cringe and memey their name is

Greyskull sounds like some he-man level of cringe. The kinobody warrior or gladiator program fuck off lol. 5/3/1 starts off good but some of the variation names... Bleh...

Strong Lifts yeah that's ok, starting strength lenier progression oh yeah

Madcow? Bleh come on
nSuns sounds like some forum member from the early 2000s
Texas method? Sounds like someone is going to cut my face off and wear it as a mask

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Literally just setting my alarm, thanks I'll try that tomorrow. Deloading to 114kg as well

Is there a book for Madcow? Does anyone have a link?

I have the same question.

And what's wrong with wendler???

is it so hard to google "madcow powerlifting"
its a bad edit of a decent program, but you already knew that

Thanks, btw.

Was made on a forum by a guy named Madcow iirc. Actual program is called Madcow's 5x5. P2W has a write-up on it powerliftingtowin.com/madcows-5x5/

Actually pretty based, thanks user. And that makes me think... how embarassed I would be if someone offline asked me what program I was on and I said
>westside barbell
>juggernaut method
>destroy the opposition

Cringe, all of it.

Also, how could you ever live with yourself if you told them what program you were on and they asked you who made it... and your answer is literally
>a guy on reddit
Greg Knuckles (also obsee and looks like his smells). At least the other two look like they lift

strong lifts and base 5/3/1 are the only ones not cringe... and 531 only because you can just tell them it's the rep scheme

I always got the stronglifts page result and thought they were different things. Don't need to get angry, we are all improoving here.

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yeah but WHAT is the /plg/ edit?

SS I banned on r/fitness and the guy who banned it, wait for it, get this, says, I'm not joking...

That starting strength would be better if it had chinups

Ok,I'm done, goodnight, plebbit confirmed for not reading the book

Np, best of luck dude

A meme shitpost about "efficiency", same thing with Simon's 3 day TM

they are different things, I forget that mehdi ruined everything
its just some percentages edited to be『optimal』
reddit is just normos anyways, don't bother.
as for SS I'm a gde so I did/recommended the wichita falls one that was squats every time, alternating bench/ohp each session, and rotating through pullups/chinups/deadlift, would probably have killed myself doing powercleans

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if SS included dips it would be the perfect program

Sup fatties, how you all been

No I don't know please just post the damn program or link

Easter workout

deadlift 405 AMRAP
good morning 3x5
stone squat 3x8
stone rows 3x8
pullups 5xF
egg eats 1x10

Just like Jesus did back then

are you still talking about the edited 5/3/1? why would I save a garbage program? look it up in the archive if you're so desperate

don't forget your reps for Jesus of course

Ok nevermind. What a garbage thread.
>What's this program in the OP?
You already know what it is.
>No, I don't. What is it?
Why would I know? It's bad.

It's literally not worth looking at because it's not a serious program and nobody has ever ran it. It was just edited in the name of "optimization" with no rhyme or reason for what this actually means.

What did Mehdi do?


That is all thank you, have a good evening.

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nothing serious, he just has the first article that comes up for a lot of topics, sometimes his picture sets are good for explaining things but other times you get his long winded discussion of madcow instead of a good spreadsheet. I used to read some of his stuff but once you lift for a while you realize he didn't make that much progress for how much he talks himself up

>is it so hard to google "madcow powerlifting"
A lot of the sites that mirrored the original program and training primer are down and that faggot from Stronglifts has attached the name to his tripe.

low iq

Care to elaborate?

Who is the guy who banned it? Phrakture?

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