How do I work my shoulders with bodyweight exercises?

How do I work my shoulders with bodyweight exercises?

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Any answer except 2 is acceptable.


Handstand pushups

Why 2?

Green one

Hand stand pushups. Pushups (kinda). Pike pushups.

Then that would make 2 the answer

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pike shoulder press and handstand pushups
also it's 3

Then 2 is the only acceptable one.
Checkmate retards

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Depends on how you want to define "the odd one out". It's the only symbol that shares a feature with all other symbols...which is odd.

Side planks

nice lats but small biceps, dropped

find a heavy box with handles and lift it above your head using no leg drive

also lots of diamond pushups and weighted dips. Tricep training is gonna boost the fuck out of your OHP AND your bench

then 2 it is

The answer is two. Two is the only one to have 3 things in common with each other number. The rest of the numbers only have 2 things in common with each other

It's exactly the number 2 because it has no reason to be the odd one no matter which of the other 4 you chosse

2 , as it's the only one that doesn't have an exclusive characteristic. It's special in it's conformity.

all of them have exclusive characteristics you fucking retard

>False equivalency is false
Two has something in common with every other shape, but:
>1 is small
>3 is green
>4 has no outline
>5 is a circle

>It's the only symbol that shares a feature with all other symbols
Wrong. Take 3: it's a square, so it shares property with 1,2,4 and it's outlined so it shares property with 5.

Two because the other ones are 2 defining points away from each other while number two is only 1 point away from each other.


2 doesn't. Which one would that be?

obviously 1.
>is one, the only one in pic
>is odd

it's 3 because 3 is green simple as

2 is the wrong color

2 is the odd one out.

A. Because it shares the same rough size as 3 of the other objects.
B. It shares the same color as 3 of the other objects.
C. It shares a border as do three of the other objects.
D. It shares a shape the same as three of the other objects.

It's the only one of the 5 that shows a constant similarity with three at all times.

1. is different only in size
3. Is different only in color
4. Is different only in border.
5. Is different only in shape.

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so what is not exclusive about 2???

Unlike all of the other shapes who’s systems allow them to be protected by their boarders us 4 have been deprived our right of self determination because we have no means of protecting our territory or out people, we are this worlds commons and that is the tragedy
That is why we are different

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based retard

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2 is the answer, as it's the only one fitting with others in some way

2 is the ONLY one that doesnt. kek

if 2 is the answer and all others are not, that checks out

Circle is the answer. The others are at least squares.