>moshi moshiii, basedo depahtumento deeesu!
>hey, it's me again
>ara! Dubzu-sensei! kyo wa genki desu ka?
>yeah I'm just peachy, thanks. I'd like to get a based-ness check on a post of mine
>hai, mazu wa, any digitsu?
>yes, it ended in 77
>(ii digitsu ka) OK, de wa, what waz za postu puriiz?
>>nice cope, lardcunt
>LOL!OK, chotto matte kudasai
>.....hai! (yappari basedo desu ne) aa 【BASED BRAIN】confahms you azzu [BASEDO], mistah Dubzu (omedeto!)
>alright, thanks
>anysingu erse?
>actually, yeah, book me a 9 o'clock with Giga Chad for tomorrow, for I much desire to speak with him
>ah, sumimasen, Chaddo-sama wa kyo koko ni imasen
>huh? where is he then?
>he reftu on a bizunissu turippu rastu nighto...
Grayson Robinson
Levi Brown
Josiah Morgan
Gavin Mitchell
Lincoln Robinson
I'm saving this thread with digits
Jose Bell
It’s gonna take more than that to save this shitty thread
Colton Foster
holy fuck
Leo Taylor
haha deadly
Luis Rodriguez
Jayden Flores
Now we're gettin somewhere