
>moshi moshiii, basedo depahtumento deeesu!
>hey, it's me again
>ara! Dubzu-sensei! kyo wa genki desu ka?
>yeah I'm just peachy, thanks. I'd like to get a based-ness check on a post of mine
>hai, mazu wa, any digitsu?
>yes, it ended in 77
>(ii digitsu ka) OK, de wa, what waz za postu puriiz?
>>nice cope, lardcunt
>LOL!OK, chotto matte kudasai
>.....hai! (yappari basedo desu ne) aa 【BASED BRAIN】confahms you azzu [BASEDO], mistah Dubzu (omedeto!)
>alright, thanks
>anysingu erse?
>actually, yeah, book me a 9 o'clock with Giga Chad for tomorrow, for I much desire to speak with him
>ah, sumimasen, Chaddo-sama wa kyo koko ni imasen
>huh? where is he then?
>he reftu on a bizunissu turippu rastu nighto...

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I'm saving this thread with digits

It’s gonna take more than that to save this shitty thread

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holy fuck

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haha deadly

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Now we're gettin somewhere

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