My browridge is fucking huge

my browridge is fucking huge

apparently it has something to do with testosterone but it honestly just looks deformed

Attached: CYMERA_20200412_184250.jpg (2048x2048, 1.27M)

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also im trans btw if it matters.

you are just big brain

Yes, you look like a troglodyte. THIS is an example of a good brow ridge.

Attached: 1586492736498.jpg (343x512, 23.39K)

high test or deformed genetic deadend? It looks less protruding in this pic

Attached: IMG_20200412_183856.jpg (4608x3456, 3.09M)

it matter because you are faggot

Attached: 1540000655640.jpg (532x664, 104.3K)

You look like a scary rapist.

weak chin

are you a med?

a medic? what?