Why is it so fucking difficult to get stronger while remaining lean?

why is it so fucking difficult to get stronger while remaining lean?
i am a lanklet doing full body 4 days a week trying to get stronger, eating slightly above maintenance but its just so god awfully slow

is steroids literally the only way to see any notable progress?

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if your goal is strength you should probably bulk but if your goal is aesthetics you can stay lean it will just be a slow process

>Why can't my muscles grow when I don't feed them enough?

>is steroids literally the only way to see any notable progress?

No, but it is the quickest/laziest way.

being strong and puffy isnt impressive, being lean and strong is so ''bulking up'' isn't an option

It’s really hard to gain any real strength without putting on some fat. I’ve pretty much eaten at matenence for 10 months and have had very little strength gain. The one time I did bulk all my lifts shot up but I started getting fat again. I’d rather be a lean dyel then lose my jaw ever.

You're literally retarded, OP.

Eat more. If you want to get big and strong, you have to realise that an increase in fat is a normal part of that. Don't be scared of gaining weight you pussy.

This can be the cover for some really weird and depressing book

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>eating once - twice a day because of corona virus bullshit
>barely any meat
>mainly whey shakes / oats
>still squatting 150kg with ease, even though my weight dropped to 84kg from 90kg

My dead-lift weight has also been unaffected, as well as my bench. Feels great having good genetics.

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This is the answer. Stop being afraid, OP.

The purpose of bulking is when you gain weight, you gain a bit of muscle in the process. When you cut back you'll lose some muscle but you gain more while bulking than you lose when cutting. Its effective.

So I have a few questions here. First, how long have you been consistently working out? Also, you say you do a full body workout basically every other day, but how are you going about doing this? How many different exercises are you doing, do you have two different sessions in that day, and are you cycling through your full routine? By this I mean, say you are doing bicep curls, bench, and wrist curls for example. Do you either do bicep curl set 1, bench set 1, wrist curl set 1, bicep curl set 2, bench set 2, etc., or do you do bicep curl set 1, bicep curl set 2, bicep curl set 3, bicep curl set 4, bench set 1, bench set 2, etc.?

You think it's easy to squat 500lbs just by getting "puffy"?

poor monky

I work out Tuesdag, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

So deadlifts, ohp, flat bench, squat
Then i do some accessories like skullcrushers and pullups to hit the muscles the big compounds dont hit that hard so they dont lag behind

Been training for 6-7 months now

The most important part of the question is that last part. So when you do this routine, do you do one exercise in succession until you reach your set limit, then move on to the next exercise, or do you cycle through them effectively hitting your set limit at the same time for each exercise? Also, calling that a full body workout is just incorrect, but if those are the only muscle groups you value then you do you.

Also, are you only working out once on that day, or do you choose two of those exercises for in the morning, and the other two for later in the day?

Ape. Monkeys have tails.

Focus on one movement at a time.
So say i squat, i do 4 sets of 8 reps then i move on to bench, 4 sets of 8, move on to deadlift etc

Then eat more. You dont have to go full fatass- just eat a little more than normal

Well based on what I can tell, you're seemingly doing everything right on the exercise aspect. Keep in mind that your diet is actually like 80% of your results, and this is all determined by your genetics in the background as well.

I have a few suggestions though. Honestly just eat more like that guy just said, and it doesn't have to be fatass amounts, just add like 250 more calories a day. As your muscles get bigger, they require more calories to maintain. You could also greatly benefit from creatine if you're not already using it. I would also say that you need to mix it up more often if you're not already. This means that some days you should reduce the weight a bit and aim for more reps, and other days increase the weight and lower your reps. For example, when I'm working biceps, I'll switch up my grips on my dumbbells, and I'll also do multiple grips for pullups, because these all work the same muscle in different ways.

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I also forgot to mention that doing that many different muscle groups in one day can be inefficient because your body have to recover all of them at once, whereas if you stick to less it can synthesize more protein for each muscle group. You would likely benefit greatly from simply either doing half your exercises in the morning and the other half in the evening, or working out 5 days a week, working out once in a day, while focusing on less muscle groups in that sessions.

It's Easter and the Lord has resurrected, bro. I don't want to have sad feels. Time of joy among days of suffering we have.

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>proof that this site is browsed by retards and/or kids having brain disabilities
See, this is why we will never have serious discussions in this shithole.

Not OP but on the discussion of bulking and cutting I only ever see people bulk until they're way bigger than I would be comfortable getting and then cutting back down to be lean af. Is that the only way or can you do a smaller bulk and cut cycle say like 1 month bulk

Im also 5ft2 and trans , i dont know if that matters

I do mini bulks and mini cuts, so like 15-20 pounds each time. Its not as effective, but I hate doing legitimate bulks and cuts, its just not a good life for me. Either way, its not like I'm fucking speedrunning to get big, I'll mostly just stick to a normal diet and exercise, but this mini cycle I do seems fairly effective.

Why are orangutans so much more chill, based, redpilled, etc that ch*mps? I know they're not perfect either, but in general they just seem to have such a good temperament for a wild animal.

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srs mature discussion only pls

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orangutan will be extinct in the wild in 30 years.


Cause they have a vagina face dude lol you could grab those flaps an leave him with a skelly

Cheers bro I think I'll follow in ur footsteps

Fucking christ

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