It will be 507

official or not he is going to crush it and make Eddie cry

Attached: new world record.png (1357x785, 767.18K)

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eddie hall is the biggest faggot in the industry

He wasn't always but he slowly became a giant unfunny d-bag and since he doesn't do strongman anymore he should just stfu and let it be

It's easy to judge people on the internet but I bet that you wouldn't say that to his face.
Eddie's record will always be remembered, and nothing can change this fact, not even cheating Icelanders.

Jesus fucking Chrit Eddie, you have being shitposting here for 3 days now. Thor record WILL be legit.
Fuck bongs, really.


Get the cross.

Attached: 4922BFDD-95A1-422A-93AB-ADB063105979.jpg (860x1490, 162.93K)

i don't care about his record, he is just a fucking whiny bitch

He got extremely butthurt when he was called out for photoshopping pics and this faggot had laser lipo done on his abs but claims it was through dieting. Funny how this fat fuck has extremely bloated face, not even a single vein on his forearms yet he has no fat on his abdominals all of a sudden. Eddie Hall is a type of faggot who will keep lying even when he get caught red handed.


I bet you'd totally call thor a cheater to his face

>look up wsm videos on jewtube
>suddenly half the recommended videos are about Eddie, different interviews all saying the same thing, a dramatic reenactments where he smeared ketchup on his face

What did Eddie mean by this?