Easter edition
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
How do you progress into pistol squats? Pretty sure I have the strength but not the mobility to keep balanced.
Hang on something
Or, do only the going-up part of the movement.
Anyway, be careful with your knees.
Can L-sits be bad for your abs if done poorly? I feel like it's giving me breadloaf abs when I do them.
What's the best routine on a hardcore cut for fatties like me? I'm looking to lose the least, I don't think I can even maintain.
Thanks user, I will.
A pullup bar is soon to be my only form of exercise equipment. What routine should I follow for maximum pullup gains? I can currently do about 3x5 clean regular pullups, and 3x10+ hammer grips.
Look up "Armstrong pull-up program" if your goal is to be able to do more pull-ups in a row.
To have abs, is it better to eat a shit ton of chocolate all at once, or eat a little every day?