/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Easter edition

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How do you progress into pistol squats? Pretty sure I have the strength but not the mobility to keep balanced.


Hang on something
Or, do only the going-up part of the movement.
Anyway, be careful with your knees.

Can L-sits be bad for your abs if done poorly? I feel like it's giving me breadloaf abs when I do them.

What's the best routine on a hardcore cut for fatties like me? I'm looking to lose the least, I don't think I can even maintain.

Thanks user, I will.

A pullup bar is soon to be my only form of exercise equipment. What routine should I follow for maximum pullup gains? I can currently do about 3x5 clean regular pullups, and 3x10+ hammer grips.

Look up "Armstrong pull-up program" if your goal is to be able to do more pull-ups in a row.

To have abs, is it better to eat a shit ton of chocolate all at once, or eat a little every day?

sweet, thanks

Are lentils based and healthy?

I keep fucking up my wrists recently. How can I protect them while working out?

pic for attention

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I don't like cooking oats. The instant oats are ok, but the whole oats stick to the pot and it's a buttfuck to clean it.
How can I eat them fast in the morning? Maybe dipped in greek yoghurt?

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ground oats + water in a shaker bing bang boom tread finished

wrist straps

whats an impressive weight to be able to db curl?

I can't seem to put muscle into my arm. I can't lift for shit. How can I improve arms given i only have 2x3kg weights

please stop being retarded. An ant can lift that much weight

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I was making a lot of progress bulking (~7 lb in a couple months) but recently I've been stuck at the same weight. I know theoretically I should just eat more, but I feel like I'm relying too heavily on my gainer shakes.
How can I break the eating plateau?

After about 1-2 months of dirty bulk, I've acquired double chin. I hardly gained fat in other places, mostly under my chin.
How can I reverse this?

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Looking at working out at home. I'd like to save a bit of money right now so I'm wanting to start small.

From what I've read, kettlebells seem pretty versatile, are they a pretty solid all around thing to start off with?

If I'm a turbomanlet, is going just for strength going to build a lot of muscle anyway?

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keto omad + 72 hour fasting on weekends

They're good if you're not insulin resistant

I solved that by adding wrist stretches before and after every work out

Add more calories dur but take into account that you are building muscle and burning fat so you're recomping most likely

Genetics. I store fat solely on my belly after 14% bf, so learn after what body fat % you get undesired fat, you can't spot burn fat so it's fixable by just not bulking past certain bf%, not bad news unless you want to be a bloatlord

>Genetics. I store fat solely on my belly after 14% bf, so learn after what body fat % you get undesired fat, you can't spot burn fat so it's fixable by just not bulking past certain bf%, not bad news unless you want to be a bloatlord
I should just cut a bit and be fine? I have a really retarded bodyfat composition. I was chubby/fat before, then I lost a lot of weight and got taller but some of the fat remained. Basically my forearms and calves are skelly tier and my torso is flabby. Now to top it all off my head looks like it's sutting on a pile of pudding.
Eh it's not all bad after all, anyway thanks for reading my blog post.

Cheap weights in stock

What's Yas Forums's official middle and rear deltoid exercise? Is it ok if I train shoulders 4 times a week?

>given giant easter egg
>whole thing is like 2k calories
Is it better to eat all this in one day, or eat it over time and let it fuck up multiple days of my diet?

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>Is it ok if I train shoulders 4 times a week?

i found that to be overkill personally. My OHP exploded when i took a 2 week break and focused on building my triceps

if you also do lots of different bench press variations like incline and close grip, that will help your OHP. Keep in mind even powerlifters who completely neglect their OHP, still have an "ok" ohp because they bench 6 days a week

i do heavy OHP on leg day twice a week, and on my push day I'll do lat raises/rear delt flies

Should I eat big on my rest day?

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