Is Yas Forums ready to take friendly uncle Bill's vaccine and microchip for the sake of their health?

Is Yas Forums ready to take friendly uncle Bill's vaccine and microchip for the sake of their health?

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Will it affect my gains?

How is this fitness related? I think it’s time to get off the internet for a few hours little buddy

ok bill

I hate needles, so no.

If they try to force this shit on me I’ll honestly just kill them and then when they put me in prison I’ll kill any prisoner that they cell me up with and so on

if i was in that prison you’d be dead

Bill Gates sure was smart to invest massively in vaccine companies right before this pandemic started. It's almost like he knew haha. But seriously, what a great guy.

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You’d be locked in there with me. Only reason I’d be dead for being in there with you is that they give me a lethal injection for violently killing a mentally challenged man

If i was in a cell with you i’d mentally challenge you in a game of chess. And then I would shit down your ass and call it a day.

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If I was in a cell with you in this hypothetical I would instantly bash your head into the wall and break your neck inside the toilet while you were dazed. Then I’d say check mate while throwing a pawn at the CO’s

Original guy you were talking to, I mog you both. I’m not huge, only 6’2” 210lbs, but I have 10” hands and retard strength. If we were in a cell I could rape you if I chose to, not a thing you could do to stop it.

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Manlet detected

>Is Yas Forums ready to take friendly uncle Bill's vaccine and microchip for the sake of their health?

if it means i can get back in the gym sooner then fucking yes sign me the fuck up ooh baby i love microchips now all hail our microsoft overlord

Rent free dude

Is this how Alpha males assert their dominance now?

Microchip is irrelevant if you dress in space blankets at all time

Gates has been talking about vaccines for a decade, retard

there's been a bunch of stats saying that 1/5, 1/3 and even half of the tested population has had the virus with 0 symptoms. Vaccines are for the olds.

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The only relevant question.

What will the microchip do? Everyone already carry a tracking device nowadays

never gonna make it

yea no shit when the test has 50% false positive we can test the entire world and magically half has it.

>the govt unironically thinks that I'll inject shit into my body to be immune to the fucking flu

>COVID-19 is the same as the seasonal flu
Found the tard

why would they need to microchip me I already own a phone...

Sure, it is way less dangerous; I have a

>watch the TV propaganda and take the needle up your ass, faggot.
>Calling me a sheep when I actually work in a hospital so I know how things are actually going
Don't you have a 5G tower to burn down?

>making up probabilities
i'd rather trust the govt than some idiot on Yas Forums tbqh

>watch the TV propaganda and take the needle up your ass

why are conservatives all about "facts and logic" yet are giant pussies at the thought of taking a needle?

this. That's what Canada is gonna do anyway

He's probably praising Trump for saying the "germ" is too brillant for antibiotics

I'll do the same except I'll just make them shoot me to death.

why would we need a microchip?

>what Canada is gonna do anyway
what is canada going to do?
My bad, it is much much higher!!
20-29 age group death rate: 0.2%
Go get your (((chip))) now

make it so you can't voluntarily put your tracking device down.

Shut up NAZI

Why are you replying to yourself?

>doesn't believe in science
>links to a website with science

At least be consistent

Nice argument, faggot

>Argue that it is absolutely ridiculous to give up basic human rights and let the govt push you inside your house like a rat for something that barely kills you
>Idiots on Yas Forums argue stats semantics, get btfo
I'd maybe change my mind if it had a 30% death rate, I do respect the right to a free life, thank you.
Again, go get your microchip and get back in line like an obedient sheep

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Your mother would be upset that you made this thread.