Friendly reminder that chads are born not made. inb4 butter face/baby face/broad nose/acne/no game cope

friendly reminder that chads are born not made. inb4 butter face/baby face/broad nose/acne/no game cope.

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This is false.

working out won't fix your busted face

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Look at the most powerful males alive. They are average looking people. Maybe a bit better because they show off status. But still, they don't stand out from the crowd face wise. Trump has an average face, Putin is a lame looking manlet, Xi is Pooh, Bezos was a balding virgin, I can go on.

power cope, you will never be handsome or even 1% worth of trump's wealth

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yeah no shit, but what are you gonna do about your genetics. being a pussy and crying about is the ultimate cope, getting on with your life and improving yourself isn't cope

it sounds like you're ugly despite fit bro

lmao, trump is not rich. He is a fraud, a grifter and a conman. He wont post his tax returns and claims to be billionaire. Magas truly are the dumbest "people".

>genetics are to blame for the consequences of my sedentary lifestyle and shitty diet

statement still stands, wage cuck

nah im above average but not chad level, could probs get to demi chad if i worked on game though

Ok and?

What was the ultimate point of this post?

you will never be chad no matter how hard you work

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I'm assuming you talked about me. But I'm already chad

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now post face

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My jaw super wide, same with chin, vertically narrow and horizontally wide eyes and hooded, good nidface ratios aswell

What's the joke?

btw is Coffee good for you?;

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Hmmm who could be behind this post?

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gainz goblins and fatties who dont want you to continue to improve yourself

So kikes?

OP is right lads. I saw chad being born once. He crawled out of the vagina on his own, instantly did a 4pl8 OHP and left with my gf.

Unironically somehow these faggots are the same people that claim to be against consumption but it's literally always them whose lives are nothing but circlejerking about how there's nothing to be done to fix anything and then going back to consuming media all day

this really does seem like a pathetic post

Good thing he is going to steal most of the relief package

>being a defeatist

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Fucking retarded r9k nigger

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And his bro

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everyone in this thread is coping so hard............... gains can only do so much. can't cure your autism, small dick, low wage, and insufferable personality.

>can’t cure your autism
Okay retard. Inb4 zizzz didn’t have autism!1!1!1! Um, he did. If you were alive back then you could have easily seen that in his webcam videos. And that’s why we love him so much, he rose above everything and became a completely new person through exercise. Mad faggot?

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Looks way more gay than before, deginitely improved.