Uhhhhhhhh user why are you lifting so much. Are you on steroids or something?

>uhhhhhhhh user why are you lifting so much. Are you on steroids or something?
>Me and the rest of the DND club are getting worried that youre turning into a meathead jock
Have people ever shamed you for getting fit?

Attached: Nerd.jpg (1125x1665, 171.35K)

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Post sex conversations are frivolous

Only ones who have made snarky comments since I got visibly fit are fat girls and guys, 100%.

My family had an intervention in the middle of one of my 2 day long snake fast. Said I was endangering my health. Everybody in my family except me has high blood pressure.

>taking shit from dnd faggots
>Have people ever shamed you for getting fit?
Only time that happened was in the army, but the people who try to do it are bottom feeding losers that everyone hates.

Kind of looks like the daredevil chick

Nothing is better than hitting em with a "shut up fatass" especially when they are being passive agressive.

>mom doesnt want me to use whey powder because it's a 'steroid'

Attached: 1367258246351.gif (450x402, 838.97K)

It's literally her

girls aren't in DnD clubs and if they would be, they would be the most easily impressed by gains.
go outside once in a while when quarantine is over OP.