This is my goal body. Is it possible with 10 years of natty lifting + strict diet?

This is my goal body. Is it possible with 10 years of natty lifting + strict diet?

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that's years of solid roiding buddy

No, but you should still try first before you jump on gear. You'll learn a lot and might end up with a body that you appreciate along the way.


Daily reminder than calum has NO CALVES

Wholesome & true

notice the cephalic vein getting more squiggly

based and cephalic-pilled

Why do you care do much about being natty?
>b.... but it's dangerous and illegal and I'm afraid of side effects and needles scare me
If those things are enough to stop you you don't have the determination needed to get a body like that, natty or not. You just don't want it bad enough.

And even then you still need good genetics.

yes with smaller shoulders and arms

Most likely no. not even close.

Unless you have high tier genetics.

Then maybe you could get close, however your arms/shoulders wont be nearly as big natty, and you wouldn't be able to maintain that size and stay that lean... Unless top 0.0001% genetics



0 cope, you can't achieve that look without roids

Your goal body is to look as a natty, the way a professional competitor on steroids with way better genetics than you looks? Good luck

>tfw close to having that body but will never have the long hair/beard

Good ? Ha !
This is top 0.000001% genetics

im not near that dude, but im not infinitly far off, am i?
lifting 8 years, no roids or supplements

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Post physique to prove something.

Y is that

You look good but I don't think you really compare.
Also, absolutely cursed frame brother

his new videos are shit, bring back bobby fisher and golds gym desu

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you look good but he definitely has the better frame due to roids

Why be totally natty, some SARMs have no sides in like 95% of cases, you could at least use ostarine for your cuts, it's not much but still a big help over pure natty.

100% natty is a 20th century concept. There's literally no reason for it now except to virtual signal.

Childbearing hips, but otherwise you look great m8

Anyone else get turned on when a girl at the gym is doing yoga or something and wearing socks like these?

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Not even close

your shoulders dont look narrow but your hips just seem really wide

yes but they also make me angry
like why not wear normal socks

not him but I have wide hips too and I am skinnyfat, what do?

Exactly lol but it turns you on?

do sarms make your heart bigger / put stress on your heart


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Why do they turn you on so much?

idk i guess cause showing legs + more skin than normal socks + high test

Ya they’re so tight too. High t too good point haha

Super thin too. Like why wear those haha unless they’re solely trying to get guys to pop wood lol

yea they look pretty fucking retarded desu. still do the job though

Still do the job?

>Still do the job?
get my cock hard haha if you get my jist haha

Oh lol yep they’re still nut drainers lol agree?

Whatever you're doing for arms, double it.

kick a twink in the chest and watch them grasp for air

Wide hips mean strong bone structure and big legs.
If you have wide hips but small legs genetically then just go tranny mode