What excercises does a 34 year old male who missed out on young love need to do to attract 18-22 year old hotties?

What excercises does a 34 year old male who missed out on young love need to do to attract 18-22 year old hotties?

Is it even still possible at my age?

I'm sick of entertaining post wall whores +27 yrs with cheese and wine listening about all the guys they have fucked and how they r just looking to settle down with Mr Right

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Win the lottery or just maybe if you have good hair you can youth max, get ripped and lie about your age saying you’re like 25-29 in a college town and you can bang some young college sloots.

>with cheese and wine listening

Only cheese around here is your post.

you're never going to compete physically with 25 year old chads. just make money and pay whores.

yeah, and the only wine, is whine.

18-22 is just as bad. They are all bad. Work out. get money. Pull women all ages. best advice i have.

debatable. dudes at my gym 32-40s look fucking nuts. even some in 50s man. Yoked out there mind.

missing out on teen love and prime teen pussy is the final blackpill t b h

is there a pill for those of us who didn't miss out on it but still fell into the abyss?

i can tell you're young and have no idea what you're talking about. it's okay though sport. you'll learn the ways of the world eventually.

Lots of women like older guys, so you definitely stand a good chance. Got no advice to give, though.

Your mum sucked my dick cheese off last night

Yes, the pill is that teen pussy and teenage love isn’t all the autists on here make it out to be

no that doesn't sound right user. that was the last time I knew what happiness or anything close to that could mean. it's all been white noise for 10y+ now

Fuck off the young women are for me and the new boys, you old farts should get wuhan'd

kek, you can try and insult me all you want, but i'm not the one that started the thread.
Really, read back at what you wrote

"What excercises does a 34 year old male who missed out on young love need to do to attract 18-22 year old hotties?

Is it even still possible at my age?

I'm sick of entertaining post wall whores +27 yrs with cheese and wine listening about all the guys they have fucked and how they r just looking to settle down with Mr Right"

Now read that again, then go look at yourself in the mirror and feel the shame, then realise the truth that you are worthless, then slip into depression, then slip the noose around ya neck and do us all a favour. Happy Easter.

Best thing you can do, speaking from experience, to attract pre-23 year old whores, is to get a good job, live by yourself (ideally buy a property), be perceived as someone with responsibilities and commitments, someone who is stable and financially secure, confident, is interested in things other than lifting (art, books, music, etc).

Basically any 20 year old who would be interested in a guy 10 years older is already radar’d into these things anyway. However be prepared for a flaky bitch who’s glued to her Instagram all day and isn’t satisfied with just your attention. They are hot as shit, no doubt, but they are self absorbed and directionless and will ditch you at the drop of a hat because they’re bored suddenly.

Same guy, I’m 29, recently broke up with gf who was 8 years younger.

It was fun as fuck at the time, she effortlessly had a 9/10 body, despite doing zero exercise, she had that sort of youthfulness about her that was contagious, it actually worked pretty well despite the age gap. I wasn’t expecting to get so caught up in it emotionally but it felt like my first high school gf again. I’m addicted to young girls now, my dating apps are set to 23+ and it’s easy enough to get plenty of matches just that way. As for long term potential, I wouldn’t count on anything. I guess you have to bite the bullet and aim for mid 20s at least if you want something a bit more dependable.

Young girls like to be around guys who are fun
>have cool friends
>be funny
>have a dog they can play with
>take her out fun places like nightclubs or your yacht
Just some examples. Girls don't care much about stability until they're 25 so don't try to use your 9 to 5 as your only virtue over young men.

You would fucking hate even being near an 18-22 year old. They're so dumb and immature it makes my skin crawl. Like cliquey high school girls.

lol people really don't understand young skanks itt.. The "daddy issues" stereotype is there for a reason. A huge chunk eagerly want or at least open to getting with older guys. I'm 40, play drums in a band, own my own house, covered in tattoos, ride a motorcycle. Been fucking a girl that just turned 21 for a couple months now. feelsgoodman.

die rostie

>implying they change

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I exclusively date 16-18yr olds and nah.
They're impressionable, which means you can mould them any way you want.

You are an old man, you will only attract whores.

A 40 year old woman is equally as stupid as when she was 22. I've dated every age and they're all the same. Why wouldn't you go with the younger/better looking?

hey guys im a 23 yr old virgin, use to always think well eventually you find a wife and have kids, growing up obviously and all my parents friends having kdis etc..

but since working as a chef, ive seen there are many, many, many single 40 yr old men... what do i do boys? i just want a gf but i can never get a second date.

side not - i only attract overweight girls, theyre usually quite nice untill i tell them im not interested then they REEE saying wow am i that ugly.

is it possible to make them Yas Forums im not attracted to overweight girls

>i just want a gf but i can never get a second date

Because you are needy. Women can smell needy faster than they can small bad aftershave.

I'd say stop hanging around this place. Get your act together and stop being so pathetic. Go outside and experience the real world. This place has nothing of benefit. Godspeed OP.

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Stop "dating" and start courting. Go to church.

Attached: FireShot Capture 084 - Dating Doesn’t Work - www.rooshv.com.png (671x3691, 1.76M)

Get off Yas Forums

I wouldnt say im needy though, pretty non chalant on dates, and also take phenibut too so sometimes accidentally mog them. but i never make a sexual move on first date as im lookin for a gf.

I was just quoting you.

wanting a gf I wouldn't say is inherently needy, i also want to go to new zealand on holiday, but i dont let it seem obvious

Have you worked out before? If not, genuinely, stick to bodyweight stuff for 2 months. Get yourself a pullup bar and some olympic rings for it. Do simple excercises until you get to doing 5 sets of 10 reps each using just bodyweight. After that you can move onto doing different bodyweight excercises that push you harder and use the rings more. You're able to add weight here too if you want, a weighted vest is all you need to really up the intensity. You WILL build a very very solid frame with a 40lb vest on at the end.

I suggest this for older guys who are just starting to work out because you really need to properly build ligament and tendon strength too so you don't injure yourself, and you get a nice athletic looking body. Plus, on a personal note, I just find it more fun. Doing a backflip at 36 feels good.