Do you have to take steroids to make it Yas Forums? I'm really debating pinning after the corona meme but still have some apprehension.
Do you have to take steroids to make it Yas Forums...
>Do you have to take steroids to make it Yas Forums?
Given that you're asking this you probably have no discipline and zero self-esteem, so yeah you'll probably need it
you can reach 2/3/4/5 without having to pin
post lifts
Have 185/335/405/455 natty tho
Have bad capillary and joint problems in back of knees from rucking so legs are diminishing. But i do have low self-esteem
Post body.
Look at that short kids shoes lmao
this is fucking gross, you people are delusional
Former obese, lost 10 more lb since this pic but everytime i cut lower and lower more loose skin builds up where my adonis should be
The pissening part is that there's chicks in the comments asking to be thrown at the wall by this dude or the fact you get socially rewarded for pinning. My friend group is 80 percent girls too and i still feel like the shit never stops
Proof that im not meming about the loose skin shit. I'll cut another 7-10 lb off then recomp to fill as much as i can. I love the pump but it just feel like the shits a rat race if i can never be happy with my body
Only whites and blacks can make it, no mixed
Listen here faggot, im not trying to shit on you, im just telling you the hard truth: you look like absolute shit and steroids won't help you. Steroids are ENHANCEMENT. They will only ENHANCE what you've already got, not give you what you don't have. Don't expect to become aesthetic on gear if you are this far behind as of right now.
Natties don't want to hear that and you won't believe how many times i said this and faggots hopped on anyway and got upset because it didn't work as they were expecting.
Classic example in pic rel. Rasputin was 100% sure that he will become next Zyzz after his first cycle and he had no doubt that he will get big and lean at the same time. Left is pre roids, right is afte 12 or 15 weeks of 500mg test. This is pretty much your usual result of first cycle because you're afraid of "undergaining" so you eat like a pig because you believe that steroids are giving your body magical properties. He got fat but he also put a lot of muscle. He looks like shit because there's way too much fat on him and this kind of post cycle physique requires a long cut (on gear) to reveal the truth.
of course i forgot to post the fucking picture
>be that strong
>still look like absolute shit
You lost hard on the genetic lottery my man
This. I wish I could have accepted this redpill before my first cycle. It would have saved so much time and health.
>hur hur you just need discipline to reach admirable size
Yeah and like what, 10-15 fucking years of your life wasted lifting naturally before you get big? You do realize after your first couple years of natty lifting youre not going to gain more than a few lbs of muscle per year right? Imagine wasting your prime years not being jacked.
Is there anything i can do about the loose skin? Ive cut to lower body fat before but the skin always fucks me over
Not even that, i was a 230lb - 240lb 6th grader and worked my ass off to get where i am now. Happy about my progress just disappointed about aesthetics. I get told i look great in clothing but i never wear tanks to the gym and only take my shirt off with a pump because my skin is less loose
Only surgery. There is no fucking way in hell to "fill out" that streched skin except getting fat again. You are still fat as fuck and skin is already sagging. Imagine how it would look if you got actually shredded.
I was obese as a child but at one point i lost all that weight and never got this fat again. Currently it's been over 15 years since peak obesity and i still have bit of loose skin on my gut. It's barely noticible. Only when i lean forward a lot you can see that bit of loose skin and that small tiny bit hasn't changed in over 15 years but faggots on this board will tell morbidly obese people that their skin will go back to normal in time.
Hey thanks for the advice, I'll just keep recomping and hope it gets better. I suck shit at taking photos tho but once again Yas Forums put me on the right path. I've gotten pretty far from where i started (22 now) and I've gotten good chicks from my attitude, personality and cock so it's not completely bleak just disappointing. I'll keep lifting because i love it plus it's better than being a couchfucker. And god forbid i pin and end up like pic related
I was leaning in that pic but that's so shitty lmao
>god forbid i pin and end up like pic related
i don't understand
You're not leaning in that pic. You're standing (almost) straight. Pic rel is leaning forward
I was hunching a bit (took the pic last night) to get as much loose skin to show for the camera. Pic related was a shitposter who pinned claimed natto but was disproven and had his face and height revealed (fucked face and 5'5") and never came back. I think i screenshotted that like 6 months ago
2nd pic i took last night, first i was
> Pic related was a shitposter who pinned claimed natto but was disproven and had his face and height revealed (fucked face and 5'5") and never came back. I think i screenshotted that like 6 months ago
i still don't get what's wrong with that, he obviously looks good
His face was really bad, like hilariously fucked. Kinda like this lmao
He photoshopped the pic and covered his cystic acne and gyno
He's mega insecure baldlet now
thanks trt
l looked like shit before hand too because i was too scared to bulk properly and i made the mistake of listening to certain goobers on Yas Forums instead of doing my own research
it was also a really bad time in my life mentally, i wasn't training properly, had a shit diet, and was just absolutely miserable
i stopped lifting for a few months, and was hit by a car leaving me bed bound for months. i've made good progress again doing a proper bulk and following SS correctly
do i regret steroids? no, i actually physically felt better than i have ever felt and even over a year later. if i can get steroids again god damn i'll do them. the results i got from low effort lifting on steroids was great. i'd love to see what i'd get with the much better training and diet i have now.
i was training shitty, sleeping shitty and eating shitty, and made significant gains anyway, living off street food in Thailand.