I can’t stop cooming to Tik tok

I can’t stop cooming to Tik tok

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damn, sucks to be you bud
imagine not being able to control yourself and your masturbation habits
im lmaoing at ur life

bruh i know what you mean.
somehow all these zoomer thots have got mssive tits and they love showing them off to the internet

what are some good tiktok sites? What are some hot tiktokers? where do you find the good tiktok shit?


You just know she loves getting her tight pussy stretched by BBC

I completely stopped jerking off to women on the internet once I realized I will never fuck them.

just fap to hentai manga like a normal person

imagine a threesome with them lads

I can think of a few reasons

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someone the few that hit the genetic lottery realize they can whore themselves out for attention. Then incels like op post them everywhere.

Lol not even trying to hide it

hide what?

Being perfectly honest, it's fucked how I -- as a 26 year old man -- have cucked myself out of downloading TikTok. I give myself all sorts of a excuses -- good ones, too, like security, not being a pedo, etc. But at the end of the day, I honestly do want to look at these fucking thots: if only to see the earlier moments of the women who I'll be able to snatch up in 3-4 years time.

The BBC agenda. Start them worshipping big Black dick young.

whats the legal age where you live

Your Asian and kike shared ancestry.

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Haha imagine if I stopped my midnight workout to jerkoff to teenagers. Its not like I have a boner rn thinking of fatassed Latinas and their tight vaginas encapsulating my penor.

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Kill yourself, tranny.

you realize there are plenty of white men on asian women or latino women porn too?is that agenda too?

I bet I have a bigger Dick than you

White men dont have big penises though

Don't have to imagine, I know exactly what it's like.

Kill yourself, tranny.

Did a tranny fuck your mother or something?

bro i knew i couldn't be the only one its literally better than pornhub

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Kill yourself, tranny.

I feel your pain user. Those god damn thots. We are facing more temptation than any other men in history. In 15 minutes we can see more breedable 10/10s than our ancestors did in a lifetime. Feelsgoodman, but also bad

I've never been on tiktok and don't like the noise, so I just look at soundless webms of hot girls dancing on tiktok.


You don't have to download tiktok bro. You can view all of the content through your browser.

Do old anons remember when Pam Anderson and Carmen Electra were considered super hot with excessively large boobs?

They got nothin' on the top tier tik tok chicks these days. And the thots are all natural.

Kill yourself, tranny.

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I think you're exaggerating a bit, but bigger boobies is nice.

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