

Attached: hafthor_kipping_pullups.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

He’s a strongman

He's a strongman

He’s a strongman

imagine being so strong that you can't even pick yourself up

He’s a dayman

He’s a strong male.

Yeah he's a powerful guy

He is just too fat

Good guy

nah he's not fat. he's "strong"

Big muscle strength guy

He’s a big guy

He weights more then 200kg so doing pull ups are harder for him then one arm pull ups for us. Can u do one arms pull ups or are u just coping?

>Lift for 10+ years to compete in strength
>One day slip and almost fall off a building
>hanging on for life, and doing one single pull up will bring me to safety


manStrong a He's

Slightly agree but why the fuck would he casually fall off a building

Mass moves mass. Bodyweight is no excuse. The reason he can't do a pull up is because he doesn't do pull ups and because strongman doesn't have much lat involvement. That's why it's funny.

he's a halfthor. you have seen his final form, fullthor....

I get you cant be #1 at everything,
there's give and takes with being that competetive in a thing
like a competetive marathoner could never strongman lift, becaue the figures need to be completely different

kinda like making fun of a horse jokey for being small; they have to be.

Uh... Mario Kart banana peel?

Attached: 182AAD7C-768E-4273-87D8-725F4FC33408.jpg (583x344, 42.7K)

I can get pussy.

Dude is just too heavy to actually lift himself up. Whether these modern-day strongmen want to believe it or not, they are morbidly obese and absurdly unathletic. If you want real athleticism check out Olympic lifters.

Brian Shaw can do pull ups.

I don't care if someone can lift 400kg. If they can't even pick themselves it's hilarious. The dude is way too fat and needs to lose weight

You are a fag, aren’t you user?
Or train more, he’s just lazy.

Different types of athletes are good at different things and will struggle with certain things

More news at 11

>unable to properly perform a pull-up
>unable to sex
>unable to out-run a Langley
>wrong move = SnapCity.org

I’d prefer any sort of athletic field but that shit, bye CNN.

That's fair, nothing wrong with having your preferences.

there are more cons than pros to yours.

Haven't gotten into it yet, but I'm definitely interested. It looks like a lot of fun and for whatever reason I can't stop myself from thinking about it despite the downsides.

I assume you're joking because he's clearly not lazy considering his accomplishments. However the fact remains that he is too fat. Way too fat.

How high were they? Holy crap that fat guy doesn't react to the other guy at all

That’s fair user, just plan ahead, once you go Snap, you never come back unless you go thru intensive treatment that not everyone can afford, it’s thriving.

If I go into it I probably won't be super hardcore into it like some guys do. I don't think I have the potential that a lot of the guys that you see do competitions do, but the actual mechanics and stuff just seem neat.

Accomplishments? That simply does not justify his lack of functionality, he’s obviously strong enough to lift himself up but he doesn’t train for such thing, he’s lazy.

The potential is in everyone, lack of knowledge can lead to physical impediments, it’s hard to acknowledge a powerlifter’s limit because their bodies evolve at such slow rate, so go for it

You're retarded if you think Olympic weight lifting is for fags.

I'm not really interested in powerlifting as much as I am in strongman.

The individual posted in the OP is a practicing strongman.