What is Yas Forums more insecure about

Would you add 2 inches to your height or pwenis

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I'm 6'2 with 6.5x4.5 so I'd add 1.5 inches of girth, 0.5 inches of length

I’m 6’3 so I’d probably take two more inches to my height

6'1 masterrace reporting in, I'm adding 2 inches to my dick. In girth, obviously, because I'm a dicklet.

i'm 7'8" with a 13 x 9 inch penis. So i'd add to both

6'0" height
7.2" x 5.2" penor

Happy with my height, but apparently 5.2" girth is pencildick nowadays. I'd add an ~1.2" girth and the rest to length

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Unlucky girth bro.

I personally would add neither and will donate my two inches to one of you. 6'5 and 7.25x5.5.

yeah it's not that bad, I'm rounding down a little. It's probably a lot closer to 5 on a good day

i have a friend with a 3er who has wound himself up so tightly in his own insecurity that he demolishes any chances of getting to know someone who'd be into him because of his own manifest dickstiny, i shoved mine in his face but that just made things worse.

if I had a 3er I'd just consider transitioning tbqhwyf

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I'd add 2 inches to my wrist circumference.

2 inches to penis would be better for my ratios

OP's post is supposed to be answered by dicklet manlets

6' with 5.5x5.5" square dick reporting

I'd add 1 inch to my length and girth and become a 6.5x6.5" square dick

I would add to my height
I'm 5'8 and my dick is like 6 inches and fairly thick, so i'm ok on my dick

Cock is too wide. Can’t have sex without lube. Can’t get blowjobs.

Height. Not a manlet, but dick is big enough to get the job done and height is beneficial all the time and helps get the panties dropped in the first place.

didn't see OP say that anywhere brother

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i belive im unlovable

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Being that it is Easter, you must understand that Jesus loves you brother.

I don't care if it's all to length or all to width or anything in between.

5'7 with 6.5 inch penis
>inb4 you lie about your height

yeah, I'm really 5'6.5 ish

neither. i'm happy with what i got and you all should be too

Penis so i can finally suck myself off

every once in awhile I have a dream where I suck my own dick, pretty hot desu I would if I could

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>have a 3 inch dick
>be 5'6"

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6 inch cock and 5'9, wouldn't change either. Only right answer. Also god I wish I had a girlfriend I'm so lonely bros.

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bro get on my level, I had a dream where I could eat my own ass. Autorimjob masterrace btfo's autofellatio cucks yet again

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I actually dont know what i'd do.
Do i become 6'6 or have a 9.5" penis?
Id probably go with height i guess.
Penis like that is too big unless pornstar.

can i reduce my height by 3cm?

I'm 180cm, don't know what that is in inches. I'd do peepee cuz it's just average.