My girlfriend told me that she only dates feminine men

I don't want to be a femboy, I want to be a terrifying musclemancer.

Attached: I dont wanna be a femboy.jpg (474x550, 34.03K)

Dump her, kill her, rape her in that order

this but give me her snapchat first

tell her to shut up faggot

That's what she says, but you'll have to see if she puts her money where her mouth is once you start making gains.

I have warned her that my goal is to have a body that would intimidate a gorilla, she said that she would tolerate it.

only if you're feminine

get a new one there's billions of choices

hit her, she needs to submit

if she´s your gf already its too late just keep doing you she will like out a guy who works out more than someone who doesnt purely due to the health and "firmness" you´ll exhude