How to cut effectively?

I currently weigh 86kgs and want to go down to 75. I've been reducing my calorie intake for some time now and I've managed to drop some kgs but not much body fat.

My plan is to remove milk, processed foods, snacks candy, sugary drinks and juices. I plan on drinking more plain coffee and water.

However, most of the time I have bread for breakfast and where I'm from we can't be too picky when it comes to food, so I can't get rid of that. I can stop eating dinner, though.

Is this enough or am I missing sonething?

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that's a man isn't it

Just dont eat

No shit, faggot. You can obviously see his hideous man face from a mile away.

Thats a man but still,

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Stop eating so many carbs.

If you don't know what carbs are, they are found in bread, pasta, potateos, sugary stuff, et cetera.

I lost 20kg in a year after I put effort in to fixing my carby diet.

Now don't let my time typing this have been a waste and get down not to 75 but 70, assuming you're average height 70 will probably be in the middle of healthy BMI.

femanon here..y r u guys so gay

Because we don't waste our time on women

seriously dude? i get it when traps who have been cut up and bones shaved and pumped full of estrogen, but this is like a fifteen year old boy.

>snacks candy, sugary drinks and juices
cut those and keep everything else

>Is this enough or am I missing sonething?
If you aren't lifting, your body will not preserve muscle mass in a calorie deficit. This means you are losing weight as opposed to losing fat. Without adhering to a resistance training program, even though you are losing pounds on the scale, the quality of that weight loss is less.

Problem is, I live in a country where food choices are very limited, the only thing I could probably replace my breakfast bread with would be fruits like oranges and bananas.

crossdressing 15 year old boys make the best girls

Trannies are bigger sluts tho, literally go to any tranny/trap/femboy/whatever forum and its guys bragging about fucking 200+ men and being street whores.

I'm lifting

great job op
you derailed your own fucking threat

Post routine.

Diet should be high in protein. The lower total calories are, the higher protein intake should be.
Beyond that, find the mix of carbs and fat that seems to give you the most energy.

do you niggers not know that FFS can cost 20k, tits can be another 10k, and an axe wound is 70-100k. how do you think low education trannies pay for that shit?
the answer: sex work
about 3/4 of trans women are or have been sex workers. escorts, prostitutes, cam girls, porn stars, strippers, etc
trannies and gay bottoms are some of the filthiest sluts on the planet, and i would highly suggest vetting one for a period of time before doing anything with them. almost all of them have some weird, gigantic dildo fetish or love to visit glory holes or something
t. bisexual top who has ghosted many bottoms and trannies for being too degenerate

OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag

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i'd hit it

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At this point, I don't care anymore, I just want someone to drink and lay in bed with.

Same direction as the veins. Don't cut across, you don't get deep enough. Ligaments in the way.

Faggots and trannys should kill themselves

i-is that a dude

kek what it looks like a cute girl

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are you fucking blind? it looks like a typical mountain dew chugging, cheeto eating teenage boy.

>the typical gamer can pass as being a cute girl at best or dylan roof at worst
I doubt it

he doesn't pass you're just a fag

I'm probably half a fag but I thought it was a girl