Long story short had a girl sleep over last night; things were getting hot and steamy and I was just about ready to fuck. Anyways, I figured hey, we just started dating, maybe we should wait a bit. So I just teased her all last night.

Fast forward to bout a half hour ago; fingered her and ate her out for a bit. She tried giving me a handy and it actually felt good but I just couldn't get a fucking boner. Last night I almost got one just kissing, wtf is going on? How do I fix this in just like an hour or 2? Taking 1500mgs of arginine atm and might throw in some citrulline to my tea. I'm only 23 bros, what the fug? I don't have much of a libido but like I said last night if we tried something I'm sure I would've gotten hard. Should've just done it when I got the urge. Fuck.

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also I'm trans

Coffee is only good for you if you're a fast caffeine metabolizer. Otherwise it gives you increased heart disease risk.

The majority of ED is mental, through overthinking and anxiety. That said, it can help to cut out porn and fapping too

You have the gay
Sorry m8

>majority of ED is mental
Wouldn't doubt it. But how do i figure what's blocking me from gettin hard though? After the pants come off, shiet, I mean that's the most anxiety inducing part for me. Really dont know what my issue is. Do have an anxiety disorder but I'm feeling pretty okay now, relatively calm.
>cut out porn
I'm about 1 month into noporn so far
>nofap day TWENTY currently
Really don't think it's doing anything at all for me. Went 40 days before, didn't do jack.
I'm actually attracted to her though user, hence me almost getting hard not even trying to just last night.

Take a deep sniff of her asshole, it's the poor mans viagra

Pls help

stop fapping

See post above, I'm on day 20 of nofap. 40 days didn't do anything before. Don't think it's going to help.

>Anyways, I figured hey, we just started dating, maybe we should wait a bit.
>Fast forward to bout a half hour ago; fingered her and ate her out for a bit

dude there is no logic her, if you defile her with a finger or a tongue or a dick. Doesn't matter though cause you should only do that to your wife. You have still ruined her ability to pair bond properly.

Thats your problem
Do noporn, nofap is plain stupid and dangerous

Thanks for the bump at least

Yeah I figured as much. I thought of that possibly being a problem as she was rubbing my cock. I'm just so used to not getting off IG. Who knows.

>How do I fix this in just like an hour or 2? Taking 1500mgs of arginine atm and might throw in some citrulline to my tea.

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Dude StahP

OK, OK, amsorri. Get a bump.

Absolutly based.
Fuck off and die OP.

You either had stage fright or if alcohol was involved, whiskeydick. Don't listen to the nofappers and try again next time, the more you have sex the more relaxed you are making it easier to get a boner

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Based and truthpilled

nah g, nofap doesn't destroy sex urge.
the fact is, you werent in the mood, final.

Maybe. How do I get in the mood more often or seemingly on demand though? Like I said, did feel good, just, nothing happened.

what is this garbage

Piss off pseudo Christian faggots

Get some sleep, remain calm, and just in case don't masturbate.

If you wanna be real sure take a Zinc tablet. This is usually a mental thing and a placebo can help (it still works if you know it's a placebo). You probably just need to relax and be natural, and remember that we aren't robots. Sometimes your body gives you a boner on command or when you don't want to, sometimes it doesn't when you do want to. Don't get in your head thinking OH GOD PLEASE I MUST GET HARD I'LL LOOK RETARDED IF I DON'T OH JESUS

Instead just do what your body tells you and be in the moment.

Based, God bless

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Something my father told me. If you are not getting morning wood then you should see a doctor.

>Get morning wood
>It goes away like 2 minutes later

Fucking worst feeling in the world when my gf at the time would get me hard while I was asleep then as soon as I woke up I'd either go limp or half mast and there was no way to get it back to full again. Pretty much confirmed it was psychological ED. Still dealing with this to this day I just wanna Fuck without having to keep a Viagra on me at all times this is some bullshit bros

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Thanks user.
I still do actually. Half the time at least anyways.

Stop eating carbs

I love you