Ok boomer

How did she do that?

Attached: 1586639592546.jpg (568x379, 79.54K)

Plenty of bleach

Different hairstyle
Different dress
Maybe a bit of bleach
Different hairstyle
Different dress

Fuck of goblin

5 pounds of makeup, good angles and lighti

Attached: 1586641633581.jpg (579x211, 23.14K)


Make up tit job and lighting... you would be surprised what a $200 pro bright light shining on you does

she is not biodegradable

There have already been times where I thought I was banging a cutie, but after the beer goggles and her makeup wore off the next day I was actually ashamed of myself. At least the uglies try hard though. Fuck wamen for having it easy though. Then again, thanks wamen for making me strive to be better every day

Attached: 1586467676082.png (723x666, 162.64K)

all women are degradable

>wtf what do you mean my perception of women is founded on carefully curated lies designed to sell me shit

You're better off marrying a homely girl who avoids makeup than a thot who basically wears clown paint every day.

Attached: Albrecht_Dürer_-_Amorous_Peasants_-_WGA07045.jpg (503x975, 94.59K)

Attached: EVSm4StXkAEfkxD.jpg (1536x2048, 728.45K)

make up

Attached: 2take.jpg (1280x1280, 455.07K)

Where can I find her porn videos?


ok coomer

She's already on twitch user it's only a matter of time until she onlyfans like all whores do

She definitely has a boob job (she proudly admitted to that) and she probably has gotten a nose job and some other facial surgeries done.


Her twitter is so textbook ethot it's insane bro. Her pre-boobjob

Attached: DvenqWwU8AId6NO.jpg (1109x1536, 391.53K)

Once chatted and exchanged pics with an ethot cause I was GM on LoL. Her twitter looked exactly the same as this ho's.

Attached: D8v48-rUYAAX2Ks.jpg (1062x1447, 456.17K)

Shame, I fucking love small titties

It's called makeup. Women can do evil things with it.

She looks like Meadow here

Attached: 1571268937830.jpg (768x1024, 68.53K)

Attached: D4nGaKMUEAAybq_.jpg (1536x2048, 841.63K)

>the white complex of non whites
Amusing how mutts, niggers and chinks females want to larp as whites so much

AI generated face.

Not her real face or skin color. All AI generates.

now she doesn't

cope harder, she's a browny, a mexican

dare I say.... B-

I would have taken her brown skin over her white one... all she had to do one clean her face and she's cuter than right.

this is hotter for some reason

>from cute ethnic girl to whitewashed and shamed white cock slave


> for some reason
She's sitting down so her ass and thigh fat gets pushed up increasing her hip-to-waist ratio making her seemingly more fertile.
Basically: her shitter bigger here

lighting, hair and makeup do half the job.

todays technology can easily make a girl beautiful as long as she is skinny.