I just installed one of these

i just installed one of these

i can only do one pullup but i was just wondering would doing one pullup an hour be good

or are there better ways to do calisthenics

Attached: pull up bar door.jpg (640x640, 37.82K)

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either do 1 pull up 30 times in a row or do negatives -- jump up the bar and hold urself there for a few seconds, then lower urself slowly, repeat


When i start i can only do one whit shitty form, i start doing supersets even with shitty form until i build some strength; i was following this
Maybe it is better to do it like the fist video but the supersets work for me; i only do calisthenics, now i can do 20 max in a row with perfect form and 5-7 with 18 kgs vest

At the start I could onpy do 1 pull-up, but now I can so 5. At the start I just jumped a bit and tried holding on while slowly going down. Now I don't need to do that.

i dont mean to be offenice but wtf 1 pullup?

i'm a 170lb dyke and i can easily do 10

OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag

Attached: 1583029130502.jpg (775x720, 79.96K)

Do jumping pullups focusing on being slow and controlled on the way down.

he's probably morbidly obese

>can only do one pull up
>posts anime
Why am I not surprised?

Attached: article-1258538308773-073fe46e000005dc-51559_636x572.png (540x485, 260.89K)

Greasing the groove which is what your getting at by doing one or a few pull-ups every hour or so works fro strength gains to some degree but I don’t think it’s enough intensity to build a whole ton of muscle

fpbp but op too busy being a fag user

i'm 5'10" and 210 lbs

obese probably but no morbidly so

pull-ups are a weird exercise in that getting stronger can actually make you worse at them since you have more weight to pull up. my old co-worker weighed like a hundred pounds and barely ever sets foot in a gym but he did 7 once on a dare.

do as many pull-ups as you want throughout the day. why not? it isn't like we're all using our energy for walking around and doing much else.

That's what I did with it. 3 pullups an hour all day. 2 weeks in I can do sets of 8 now

you're gonna fuck up your door bro

those were serious answers you fuckwit. you're supposed to hold yourself as long as you can at the top to develop some strength and eventually you'll see yourself slowly doing more and more pull ups.

I have that same bar. Currently 260lbs~ and can do about 5.5 on a good gravity day

Attached: Megumi drooling.jpg (1920x1080, 196.62K)


I can do a few pull ups if my fucking elbows don't crack and pop.

In addition to the negatives and multiple sets of 1 as advised by above anons, do bodyweight rows of 12 reps and 4 sets. If you can't lower the bar, use a chair or table or a bar between two chairs. First use underhabd grip(chin up grip) and then when its easy use overhand grip(pull up grip)

He's going to hurt himself if he actually jumps to the bar

is there any more alpha exercise than a behind neck, wide grip pull up?

every time I do a set I just want to fuck a twink

Also do dead hangs where you activate your lats. First, hang from the bar. Then draw back just your shoulders without bending your arms. You should be able to feel you back muscles engaged. Hold this position as long as you can and then go back to dead hang.
Rinse and repeat 12x4

He might but I am fat, weak and have that same model of pull-up bar and that is how I have been doing them.
No real injuries so far but I have been taking care to do only like half as many half as often as I think I should do.
Trying to begin flexed and stepping off a chair didn't seem to work for me as well as just jumping.


Did you even try?

Attached: reallybruther.jpg (680x966, 101.67K)

Try wariming them up before doing pull ups

my little brother is like 120lbs and did 1 rep. weak ass bitch but oh well.

I know this will probably be branded as heresy, but just do them whenever. You'll get better at them, and it won't seem like work. Give it a go whenever you walk by, do one or two, and move on. No need to make it into work.

How many pull-ups do you lads reckon would be normal after a month

That is absolutely the best way to increase your pullups

Tie a rubber band around your dick and take a picture. I’ll help you.