As an incel permavirgin who has given up on women, is there any reason not to just permabulk and bloatmax? Aesthetics are pointless. So should I just eat whatever I want and become strong?
As an incel permavirgin who has given up on women, is there any reason not to just permabulk and bloatmax...
Even if you've given up on women, men will judge you for your revolting appearance and smell. Don't do it.
You'll die sooner.
Im an IT contractor who mostly works remotely. I literally have no one to impress.
You say that like a negative
user do it. If you get strong and big enough no object or person can ever impede you on your quest through life. You are your own final boss.
And those men are weak.
Life is temporary for all.
The only person who can answer that is you. Do you want to? Then yes, if not no.
And immediately after that picture those women went and fucked Chad. They're not digging around in his gross fat folds to find his dick. Take the powerlifters back to the fph thread
but isn't being strong pointless too?
Who turns into a bloatlord expecting pussy, retard?
Chad is in that picture though
Then why do people post pics of him with thots?
Bloatlords are no different than all the posts in the fat people hate threads. Who gives a fuck what number you can lift if you look like a disgusting blob?
What good does not looking like a fat disgusting blob accomplish? I dont care about women. I dont care about getting a gf. I have a garage gym. I work remotely. No one needs to see me.
The only reason I live still is to lift heavy things. Explain to me why I should care about looking good.
Don't give up user
>but isn't being strong pointless too?
Strong is a justification in and of itself
Also it must be crushingly depressing to be able to lift heavy things but look like any other fat dude.
You are settling for mediocrity user. Dont kid yourself, its nothing to do your lack of desire for women, it's because you are lazy and would rather take the easy route instead of following the path of true brilliance.
Yas Forums is now turning it's back in you. You are now to only correspond with Yas Forums. Good luck.
> but look like any other fat dude.
You're not training hard enough
I'm talking to the OP who wants to mong-bulk
I hate my life. If anything this killing me sooner is a plus. Aesthetics are fucking pointless for me.
I am just going to make it my goal in life to DL 400kg
It's sarcasm. Also thots will take a picture with anyone as long as you don't look like shit.
even bloatlords still use a lot of steroids.
Yeah I know. I've ordered some and going to start it with my new diet. Moneys little deterrent to me. I make almost $100,000 a year.
Oh fuck off then.
Self-pity is the lowest emotion.
>dont look like shit
>powerlifter bloatlord obesemaxxer
Pick one
>I've ordered some and going to start it with my new diet
post your lifting stats. hopefully you used up all your noob gains first
Kg. 1RMs
I meant to say smell like shit and the thots don't even care what you look like. They just care about being posted on Instagram.
don´t take steroids, seriously.
but bloatmaxxing doesn´t sound half bad. just remeber that you have to live it
there's less skill, thought, but more reward that goes in bloatmaxxing than women
Dumb nigger, this is in Greece. Mediterranean states have better control. Look at Greece, Cyprus and Italy, lower divorce, sluts and family issues than shitholes like UK, F*ance and G*rmany
The only muscle you cant exercise is your brain.
nice man. roid on
>half of Yas Forums thinks this is ideal if he can pick up a heavy weight off the floor
Why not? Dont forget to lift
shut up twink
If you hate yourself just go on a fuckton of roids.
you’ll either mog the planet or die trying
>shut up twink
how is he sitting like that