Is he /our guy/?

Is he /our guy/?

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porn is bad

Unfathomably based. Gonna go jack it to porn tho


He's a bitch that let some old jew rape his ass and never fought back.

Oy vey you shouldn't be shilling during passover

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I find him pretty annoying. But his view on porn is pretty based

gonna go with based on this one

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terry crews testimony single handedly brought harvey weinstein

Based. But his subservience to China is cringe.

Check em’

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I've found that when I'm not in a porn-addled mind, I don't even like it that much. Kinda repulses me actually, like I'm being cuckolded and watching it, but also turns me on in a sick way that gets stronger and stronger the more I watch. But after being away from it for a while, I realize again how gross it is.

Also women who do porn are whores and that revolts me.

Not a native english speaker, what does “porn sells kids”mean?

based, that onions virtue signaler got btfo

He's probably talking about the 18 year old girls in porn.

rough translation: some pornography may involve the human trafficking of minors

The pornography industry is used as a front for human trafficking

>18 year old girls in porn
I was already hard after the first 4 words, last 2 got me diamonds.
Jesus, I think I've got a problem

Terry Crews is such a little faggot and he has no idea how to lift. Just roids. His lifting videos are cringe af and retarded.

>thinking anything you just said is cringe

Terry Crews is a Chinese supporter

>Oof. Not lovin‘ the tee. Shame kills kids.

God I wish I could behead that basedfaggot

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Something something a study said a significant percent of "18 year olds" in porn were actually under 18.

Terry is one of the more based people in Hollywood.

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the porn industry and human trafficking are one and the same

gong xi fa cai

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I love you Gemposter.

incredulously based, pornhub is scum, still gonna masturbate tho the fuck else is there to do nowadays

any man who talks like this is a pussylipped fuckface

>dodges the draft but refuses to admit he did so
>insult man who was tortured in a POW camp and lives so rent free he made the navy cover up his namesake on a ship
>insults another man who died for america
>laughs off brain injuries caused by his actions
Yeah so based


wrong flag in the painting, should be of israel

Yeah I seethe that traitors like you and him are still free and not dangling from trees.

>insults another man who died for america
You mean israel?

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Terry only has this view because he used to an OMEGA COOMER. He's talked about it before, he used to be such a coomer it actually was ruining his life.

He just went from one extreme to the other. It's pretty easy to enjoy porn without it warping your view or your life. He just couldn't handle it.

>I don't have a p-problem
>I can s-stop whenever I want

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Seethe harder you beta little redditnigger. Based Terry is protesting an industry that is very cruel and destructive, meanwhile Daddy Trump is perving on little girls and covering for his buddy Epstein the international child sex ringleader. Reminder that Trump knew that he targeted very young women and children

he is holding an Israeli flag
>intel from JEW... I mean WHO about SARS-COV-2
>tells americans to take fish medicine
>needs to be corrected continuously by his advisors, who are losing their minds doing damage control
>shifts blame
Trump is a fucking jew

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Absolutely too bad Yas Forums and the republicans are just a bunch of poorfag, brainless who need a big strong daddy to lead them. They have the audacity to call others faggots?