Is he natty?

Is he natty?
>inb4 he is naturally 5'5
No but really.

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Nobody on jewtube is natty.

>he is naturally 5'5
No, he's 5'2.

I thought the joke was to remove 2 inches, not 3.

> 5'5
>No, he's 5'2.
both are still turbo-manlet

In real life he is natural but he doesn't look like that. That's caused by good lighting, pump, flex, and pump supplements

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What if he’s balding faster than usual because he’s using coperoids that are enhancing his poverty Mediterranean genes to their maximum?

No, his sister confirmed he was 5'2.

But many people start balding at his age nowadays, sadly.

>those lifts
>still looks like a turbo manlet next to Omar, who is a manlet himself


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True, and his genes don’t help him either.

Ok, with the risk of being called a newfag, I didn't know there were such things as "pump" supplements

How is that all these turbo manlets took over YouTube fitness?

with (((science)))-based (cringe) data

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Y-Your pic is an edit, r-right?

Look up cialis and cittruline

Pump enhancers. You can get prescription grade pump from them

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Reminder he called himself 5 and a half feet tall then went "oh shit 5.5 doesn't mean 5' 5" I'm actually 5'6"!!!"

Minoxidil is not natty

that can be natty yeah. 5 years of training though

If you see him next to fellow manlet Jeff Nippard you can tell he's definitely natty


Does that mean Nippard isn't?

just 3 kids playing on the street

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Yeah he confirmed it


>he is naturally 5'5

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You mean this picture?

Attached: 1560022377262.jpg (1012x488, 106.95K)

jeff looks like a kid lmao

Because lanklets can't grow muscle

is this real?

No, check out their collab video, even in the thumbnail you can see the difference in their traps.

yes. the original