What's my move here boys
What's my move here boys
eww even her best pic is awful
Report simp threads
I'll wear a mask. Now, does 8PM work for you?
Tell her to comeover or you go over
Im tired of holding the hands of you bitch ass niggas if a girl wants to FUCK shes going to all you have to do is set up
Tell her you're not going to talk to her anymore unless she meets up with you. Then do that.
your move is to postpone it. Are you really so desperate to get sexy times that you risk your health and the health of people close to you? If the answer is yes then I hope you die indeed
>thinks 6/10 pussy is worth the Rona
reddit tier post
u mean OP is reddit tier post.
Tell her to take your temperature then if she keeps saying stupid shit to postpone going over just stop talking cold turkey.
Bitch is never going to suck your weiner so stop replying to her
no lmao. Imagine giving a shit about some boomers
Go back
Ask her if her kebab is halal
A simp wrote this post.
omg u made me feel sad feels, im not going to read this anymore. I'm going to play some funny games on my switch now. cya nerdd
>Sexy times
Nice bait
She already gave you three hints to drop it
Go ahead and say what the "based" posters in this thread are saying though, push some plans on her, and then post her reply when she gives you a hard no and unmatches
Fucking zoomers, need constant attention and validation, willing to risk life and death to pander to some worn-out pussy.
>Go ahead and say what the "based" posters in this thread are saying though, push some plans on her, and then post her reply when she gives you a hard no and unmatches
So much cope in this thread is ridiculous lmao
You're both probably gonna get crona in the long run. You're a young man, you're built to take risks for pussy. Do it.
ok boomer
Omg she is so pretty! Yes she will fuck you so super hard I am sure because you're on a fit board so you must have a six pack haha. Also I heard guys with six packs are immune for the rona. Go for it man! Hope you can do it. *brofist*
Why are there so many faggots on Yas Forums these days. I can smell the onions from your posts
Don't worry about corona. It's the stds she clearly has if she is willing to fuck you right now
Takes one to know one. Gonna have to take your word for it, king.
tell her your dick cures corona virus
I've slept with almost 30 girls, some 2-3 year relationships, some 2-3 month fuck buddies, and several one night stands
I know exactly what I'm talking about and then I get shit talked by a mass reply poster who doesn't know about the word filter
Imagine lying on the internet
Ask me any question you believe will prove if I'm telling the truth or not
Imagine not being able to have an average sex life
What is the going rate for rohypnol?
ok simp
>Ask me any question you believe will prove if I'm telling the truth or not
Why do you choose to lie to us?
Baby that's not the only thing I worry bout catching from you
Stop fucking calling people kings you fucking BETA GOD I THAT MAKES ME SO FUCKING ANGRY
I wouldnt do that, I see you struggling with girls and I want to help you but my posts get drowned out by genuine virgins
I lost my mask can I wear your assistance instead?