This thread endorses both physical fitness and the related mindset in order to promote healthy living for everyone

This thread endorses both physical fitness and the related mindset in order to promote healthy living for everyone.

/hlg/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. More Info:
>Learn Mindfulnes Meditation. More Info:
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout.
>The best exercise regime is entirely up to what your goals are - Explain your goals and ask!

Jannies can suck a big fat cock, there is no reason why this thread should get removed

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Other urls found in this thread:!C7ZwlY4L!DP4JwX2dJWJdmjxbB7b7Lw!qqRVnCKb!C7ZwlY4L!DP4JwX2dJWJdmjxbB7b7Lw!jzZ1RACY!C7ZwlY4L!DP4JwX2dJWJdmjxbB7b7Lw!TqxBRSJB

Okay, good to know, but I don't see any action item in your thread. What should I write here?
I support your idea, though.

>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life.
That sounds factually incorrect, but I don't want to criticize your narrative here :P

here is some /hlg/ related content for you anons
compiled from previous /hlg/ threads from the last 4 years
a starting point for new user
it may be too much in the beginning to read through but at least you got some resources for later

/hlg/ content!C7ZwlY4L!DP4JwX2dJWJdmjxbB7b7Lw!qqRVnCKb


Yas Forums related content:!C7ZwlY4L!DP4JwX2dJWJdmjxbB7b7Lw!TqxBRSJB

feedback is welcomed
what really is interesting for you, what you really are happy for
or what you think it is shit, what can be removed

The goal is to rework all the files, compile similiar stuff into one picture and make it normie friendly to share and help others.
The next update will be done this month.
Please also read the readme.txt file in the root folder for more information.

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Anyone have some good book recommendations to help me self improve, I would ask /lit/ but I'm not into philosophy or religion.

Fill out the categories and see where you stand in live.
Get self reflection, self awareness, be honest to yourself about your current situation, don't lie to yourself, this is the first step to become better and life a healthier life.

Save it and fill it out now and again in 2-3 months, again in another 2-3 months, track your progress.

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What should I do fit
I'm 6' and 100 kgs. Been trying to workout for a while but haven't gotten anywhere and now I'm slowly losing the motivation to push myself


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I read you support anime pillows for between my legs. Got any Amazon recommendation. I'd get one, ironically.

I don't think it's correct too, I just copied and pasted everything from an older thread
They help fix your posture during sleep, an average pillow works just as fine as far as I know

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>Exercise self-denial
what does that mean?

thx for the folders btw.

7 habits is a classic I guess.
There's not non-philosophcally/ideologically soaked text, tho

>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life.
>That sounds factually incorrect, but I don't want to criticize your narrative here :P

It's an old philosophy- It's not saying you can literally control physical reality, its saying this:

If someone says something nasty to you, its not the words that make you feel terrible; its how your brain (and subsequently, you) react to the words that make you feel terrible. The reaction, not the words, are what illicit the emotion.The idea is that because its you that ultimately makes the "decision" to feel bad about something, you have the power to change that.

If you don't want words to hurt you? Don't let them.

Now, some may balk at that idea, because sometimes it feels like you can't help but feeling bad. But that was the argument; is that you actually can change the way you react to situations, even if it feels like you can't.

If you feel in the back of your head "sure this works for fluffy shit but if I get my arm cut off I'm gonna feel it and cry", but it even suggests facing the mortal end is within our control.

Giles Corey. Accused of witchcraft in Salem during the witch trials, sentenced to death by pressing (heavy boards put on you, rocks piled on over time until you squish to death). Gruesome:

"As a result of his refusal to plead, on September 17, Corey was subjected to the procedure by Sheriff George Corwin, but he was steadfast in that refusal, nor did he cry out in pain as the rocks were placed on the boards. After two days, Corey was asked three times to enter a plea, but each time he replied, "More weight," and the sheriff complied. Occasionally, Corwin would even stand on the stones himself. There are several accounts of Corey's last words. The most commonly told one is that he repeated his request for "more weight"

Not saying he was feeling like he was on a fluffy cloud, but it takes a particular mind to turn their death into a joke.

How to win friends and influence people, here's the summary

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A good example of this is the monks who self immolated for protest.

Not a single squirm or scream, just a complete disconnect from the sensations of pain.

op, we can call it /sig/ now, the mods realized they were wrong

I'd say it's an extreme view to have, but it's true.
you are technically at fault for everything that happens to you.
it's for you to decide how much responsibility you want to take though

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I still see threads getting deleted

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>I was hit by a falling brick because I went outside
Well yeah, but this line of thinking comes down to "I can avoid everything that happens to me by killing myself earlier, so everything that happens to me is at my command"

In any case, the quote said
>how you experience life

I feel like being born to heroin junkies, for example, makes it extremely hard to experience life like a librarian in 300bc Rome.
There is such a thing as exterior circumstance

Woa, someone is 1:1 posting my ususal posts, nice!

By the way, the archive got an update:

woa, are you the siganon who manages the archive.
I have so many questions..

I found posts about how to make an abortion with herbs or something, is that real? that sounds so stupid

also, i found a folder of a beavers option on a lot of things, i didnt really have time to read any of the things i skimmed though, but im intrigued, is he right, and who even was he?

also, and this might be the biggest question
>is that folder even useful..
do you guys really think that jeff bezos and elon musk have folders of motivations infographics on their pc..
or listened to random internet people on how to be successful

this all makes no sense bros

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>I found posts about how to make an abortion with herbs or something, is that real?
certain plants are known to have a certain effect
that's why pregnant women should consume certain things in large quantities
just google every ingredient
I am not sure if every single plant listed is working, but I know that some of them are

>folder of a beavers option on a lot of things
there is now a folder named "transcripts" which has every beaver post as text for better readability (well, it isn't properly formatted yet)
Those posts I read gave a nice insight on the topic, even if he isn't 100% correct, his words are good to think about or at least to have heard that opinion.

>do you guys really think that jeff bezos and elon musk have folders of motivations infographics on their pc
back in their time, such things didn't really exists I think
but at least they have textbooks with good stuff written down, what they think is good, what helped them, their own kind of "archive"
they also picked up good things somewhere in life and either wrote it down or memorized it.

since my archive is gathered from Yas Forums and the internet, it consists of screencaps and greentexts
but this will change gradually when I am doing the re-formatting

we all have to start somewhere, with this work, I want to give people a first hand, something to grab on, something to start somewhere

*shouldn't consume !
with probably 50-100$ worth amount of the right seasoning (you read that right) you can induce an abortion
moral wise .... that's on you

>but this will change gradually when I am doing the re-formatting
woah, imagine a whole wiki dedicated to sig related information..

There's some things you can't blame yourself for, like getting beaten up as a child by your parents for no other reason, them beeing stressed.

You both misinterpret the quote. It's saying
>If someone says something nasty to you, its not the words that make you feel terrible; its how your brain (and subsequently, you) react to the words that make you feel terrible. The reaction, not the words, are what illicit the emotion.

Because literally everything you experience is a reaction to all things that happen to you, you can change your reaction, and therefore your experience, to pretty much anything.

You can cherry pick things here and there as contradictions, but the idea is a pretty strong one found in a lot of philosophies

A lot of these are dumb but the dumbest one is video games. Reading is not the opposite of video games. You can waste just as much time reading as you can gaming and video games are also good for your brain.

since I am doing it for free when the times allows it, it takes some time :(

But there is something in work:

Original website:

New version some anons tries to re-create:

They are also somehow relevant:

So there are more pictures of this, huh

i was about to roast you and say vidya is a dead-end hobby but i took a second look at the chart and a lot of them are absolute bullshit.
>4:00 or graph of 8 hours sleep
what if i go to bed at 8PM retard?
>lonely dude or dude with gf
forcing yourself to be with someone doesn't mean self-improvement
do you honestly think i give one fuck about how you think I dress? as long as clothes are neat and clean it doesn't matter. dude with the katana looks pretty clean and neat to me
>doodle people or fancier doodle
>lawnmowing or raising crops

no wonder your queer threads get deleted

>taking everypoint literally by the picture instead of the meaning behind it
>using your few braincells and try to think for yourself just once

Can someone explain "throw down challenges"?

>lets go to the top of an isolated hill and take a pictre of me reading
nigga i bet u cant even read