Work out for 19 months

>work out for 19 months
>still can only bench 73kg 5x5
>still look skinny dyel that doesnt lift at all
>still got a small little gut
>no biceps despite curling like a maniac
what the fuck am i suposed to do this shist it impossible i cant do anything right.

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you know you were supposed to be consistent right

You probably eat like shit.

Up reps up weight up food
You're low test see a doctor

yeah, i was, i never skipped gym i did PPL lp. i always ate clean.
how can i eat like shit if i ate clean?
yeah i am low test, but low test doesnt prevent you from gaining muscle, it just takes a lot longer, and i have a lot of time.

Eat more.
Thats the only thing you're not doing. Eating clean is useless if you're underweight and making no gains. Add a big spoonful of peanut butter and a big glass of milk to every meal.

Do a different program.

post program and what you ate

Just get addicted to an mmo an eat garbage.

Shit, I could easily go 80kg 10x3 after three months of lifting. You're doing something wrong. Eat more, sleep more.

ppl lp. i ate 1 bowl of lentil soup, 200g cottage cheese, 2 rye sandwiches with butter and cheese, 1 chicken thigh and 1 random meal that my mom made. i still live at home. that's what i ate every day, i always ate the same thing every day, i dont like change.

>roughly 85 kg as a max after 19 months

I mean, I needed 2 years for 100 kg, but I barely lifted and skipped the gym and never did legs, if you are consistent... wtf are you doing mate? You are supposed to hit 100 kg in AT LEAST 12 months.

>yeah i am low test, but low test doesnt prevent you from gaining muscle, it just takes a lot longer, and i have a lot of time.
You have answered your own question
If you're low test and you've only been lifting a year and a half this is more or less what you can expect

Either up calories and macros and bulk, stick it out, or hop on the bike

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If you do something for more than a month and a half to two months and you don't notice progression, change something.
> still can only bench 73kg 5x5
Implies strength goal. Change your training approach something strength specific. Look up something about periodization methods to break your platau.
> still got a small gut
Implies bodyfat goal. Go into a calorie deficit.
>no biceps despite curling
Implies hypertrophic goal. Use bodybuilding principles like time under tension, low weights etc.
Get your goals straight and take the time to inform yourself about how to achieve those goals beyond a 5 min google search.

so i dont know what to do do i lift for strength or hypertrophy what routine do i do it s all so oncufisng i have read fitness for so long yet i still do not understand anything

Just do another program and just focus on form. Nothing else. Reading more will just mindfuck you till you quit and don't workout/lift anymore. Insanity is doing the same thing over an over expecting a different result.

Read the sticky.

Stop posting your skinny faggot cosplaying ass

i want to look like him desu he's fucking sexy

Shit diet. "clean" =/= good. Have you read the sticky before?

OP i actually think i've figured out what your issue is. You have some major mental retardation.


>eats 1500 cals a day
>guys why wont i grow!!!!! I wont eat more though!!!!

I suggest neck hangs x F you fucking retard.

Eat clean with ENOUGH protein. Get good sleep, minimum of 7 hours. Workout hard, no fucking bro splits. Then get consistent, gains will come.

absolute horseshite unless you had prior experience or youre fat

Its really not user. I added 40kg to my bench in the first 3 months and i started as a lanky skellington.

what routine?

>Guys please help me!
>Oh I don't like your answers
>Fuck you guys!
Everytime. Go chill with the Nutella guy in hell when you're dead you fag

fuck off, i will make it next year, i'll go back to the basics, SL 5X5.

>more excuses
Just fuck off you fucking oxygen thief, you want answers only if it fits your lifestyle YOUR way of life. Change and growth comes from moving outside of your comfort zone, to inflict pain on yourself. Accept the truth, that you never actually wanted help in the first place and just came here to Bitch and whine whilst turning down people's valid factual advice, or man the fuck up, quit making excuses and change your way of life for YOU.

i will make it. i'll bulk and do SL 5X5 FUARRKK ill make it ill make it ill make it

This OP.

Baby Guts a cute.

Do crossfit.

1.5 lb of protein for 1lb of bodyweight

>stall on 5x5
>i know what i'll do! I'll just do more 5x5 lifting!

You're clearly lifting like a dumbass, OP. Instead of being a know it all little faggot, realise that you're a beginner and listen to the anons in your shit thread, then maybe you would actually progress.

Do this program ^
Follow it to a fucking T and track your calories.

That's like, what? 2000 calories max? LMAO at your life dude. Eat red meat, pasta, oats, rice, peanut butter, greek yogurt, whey protein, eggs. Dyels are always delusiional about what they eat.

Not OP but that actually looks like a good program. Gonna switch to it when I make no gains on the 5x5 I'm on.

That's a lot of text desu, is there a bridged version?

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Try harder and stop lying

i'll start trying harder when 2021 comes, i'll make it. ill do that pyramid 5x5 program or whatever it was.

Just hurry up and kill yourself so we dont have to listen to your retarded ass anymore.

i intend to live forever

Welcome to natural lifting. Do a 12 week test cycle then report back.

You have to eat big to get big op

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You're not supposed to eat clean, you're supposed to eat clen.

Ppl is good, you’re just retarded

You’re not eating enough calories

you aren't eating enough

eat 4000 calories a day and LIFT HEAVY HEAVY, like more than you think you can handle. Also don't sit a lot

whats your height/weight/macros?

my height is 185 cm, i used to weigh 87kg, skelly like. i dont know what macros is but is what i ate, and still eat aside from the chicken leg

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Idiot, 19 months isn't long.

another 19 months and that 73kg could be 90kg, another 19 after than then you're benching 2 plates.

Probably could happen a lot faster than that.