Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
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I'll start: Any low-carb alternative to bread which isn't rice?
fuck now i remember that show
rice cakes maybe
I gym every 2 days and do full upperbody, and the rest i just runt/walk/sometimes do legdays. But i was wondering if i can do pushups everyday without losing gains/it fucking with My recovery?
God i want to fuck that mouse, once matched with a girl on tinder that looked like her told her how much I want to fuck that mouse.
Is there some kind of trick to pushups?
On some days I can power through about 3rep for 3 sets
On others I can't even push back up from the first
I've controlled for hand position, back straightness, warmup and stretching.
It boggles my mind and doesn't work wonder for motivation
Do you still need to take additional D3 vitamines if it's sunny outside and you're getting atleast 1h of sun?
what the hell is the point of coming on here and encouraging others to do nofap when there’s just going to be users posting pictures of girl’s asses anyway?
>what the hell is the point of doing anything and encouraging others to do anything when there’s just going to be users doing nothing anyway?
I've been on a PPL since september but I'm noticing that I am getting slightly bored with the program. Still getting some gains out of it even though it is not as fast as before.
What are your thoughts on GZCLP?
Looks like a decent program just not entirely sure how I would do the T3 stuff (no access to lat pulldown machine).
Would it be okay to apply the GZCLP principles to the T1 and T2 lifts and keep similar PPL isolations.
Inverted rows/pull ups.
I've got a similar question, but my multi uses Vitamin D, not Vitamin D3, so will that affect my calcium intake?
I'm mildly lactose intolerant, and I don't quite like diarrhea in order to get healthy bones and teeth. So I take a quality multi.
No. About 15 minutes of high-quality sun exposure is all you need. The keyword is HIGH-QUALITY, a.k.a direct sun. Doesn't work if its cloudy.
I'm trying to bulk up a little. I upped my calories to 2500, but my weight today is exactly the same as it was 2 weeks ago.
My TDEE should be 2200 calories according to Scooby's calculator, and 2500 is supposed to be my clean bulk target. I am making strength gains, but it seems i'm not gaining weight.
It's also worth mentioning that i took a MASSIVE shit today, and weighed myself right after. Could this be the reason?
I’m starting on OMAD and eat my meal between 4-6 AM.
How do I deal with the hunger throughout the day without consuming caffeine?
What's a good resistance band for squats and stuff at home? I'm not a lifter or anything but i feel like these BOOTY BAND things arent gona do shit.
Eat celery, it has like no calories so it doesn't count as eating food
Nah I’d count that as eating
I have a question about 8 HOUR NECK WORKOUT
If you can add 2 cms to your arm within 24 hours,can you add 2cms to the neck,which is the most responsive muscle,within 24 hours?
Episodes of tightness in the glute area, makes it hard to flex my hip, no pain. Any ideas what it could be and how I could fix it?
how is a bench press of your body weight different from a pushup (serious)
sup /fit,
can only feel my abs when consciously flexing them, have to flex them hard to feel them in my tummy. i can see them on the mirror when flexing.
what's fucking wrong here? posture? abs size? bf%?
Because you have a pivot retard
>what's fucking wrong here?
your brain
If I missed a ton of calories (1000+) yesterday should I make up for it today?
besides that
Is there a way i can practice martial arts effectively during lockdown? I have a great physique and workout regularly and i am intrested in kickboxing.
You don't push-up your legs.
A hand-stand push-up (HSPU) is more comparable to a body-weight bench press
What's the best abs exercise I can do now that I'm stuck at home? I heard crunches aren't even in the top five?
There are a lot of ab exercises you can do.
>crunches and situps
You can easily add weight to crunches by holding a dumbbell or plate in your hands
>leg raises
You can do them lying down or hanging from a pull-up bar. The hanging version is more difficult and requires a lot of core strength. If you're untrained, you probably can't even do these. But the laying-down version is good for working your way up to them.
Hold for 60 seconds. Might be too easy for you.
>ab rolling
If you have an ab wheel / ab roller.
mcgill isomeric crunch if you value your back
height/weight? 2 weeks between weigh-ins is still may not be enough time to tell if it's a slower bulk.
every time you feel hungry pound a glass of water. i don't mean sip it, i mean CHUG 8-16oz of water. chew gum. stay busy throughout the day.
description too vague. perhaps due to not stretching enough or a strained muscle?
is the answer not obvious? make up for it. you can add back the calories in one day or make it up over the course of a few days.
Why do people unrack from this position when squatting? Why don't they turn around first to unrack so that they would face you instead of have their back to you from pic related?
To face the mirror and work on form, and spotters can support you from the backside if needed.
But otherwise if you want you can unrack facing the other direction? I never see anyone do this so I was wondering what the reason for it was
>not stretching enough
I try stretching it but it's really tight and I get hip pain
because backing up to rerack whilst looking over your shoulder would be incredibly dangerous and stupid
It was shit like this that is responsible for furries
No, and stop thotposting.
because you can't fully see where you're going and you have a lot of weight on your back. there would be zero advantages to doing it backwards
If I get exogenous test through either gear, TRT or rad-140 but I'm already on Dutasteride to block DHT, what are the chances I lose some hair?
i meant maybe it's an injury due to not stretching enough before it happened. stretching it now won't really help, best to ice it
technically you could but it's logically retarded and much less safe. you have to remember re-racking it when done with your set. it's WAY easier and safer after a heavy set of squats (when your legs are sore and your whole body is gassed) to lean forward into the rack than it is to lean backwards.