Skele here. how to eat lots?

I honestly dont get how fatties do it, I feel bloated after a few mouthfuls of carbs and I can eat like 300 calories a day and not even notice. Even after eating like 1000 calories a day for like a month, my weight didnt increase at all.
how the fuck do I eat?

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>1000 calories a day for like a month
That’s a deficit of 1000 calories. Eat 2500+ daily or you’re NGMI

smoke some weed

if I was eating like 300 a month and maintaining my current weight, surely eating 700 more would make me gain?

>I can eat like 300 calories a day

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After doing lots of acid I hate weed so no

It's probably because my fridge has an ice machine, I have shitloads of ice a day because I love the taste and feel and i suppose it makes me feel full

wtf stats?

white guy

go eat a hamburger dude

from where retard

You have an iron deficiency. Get this shit sorted and it will be miles easier to gain weight.
Do you drink tea often by any chance?

You have an iron deficiency. Get this shit sorted and it will be miles easier to gain weight.
Do you drink tea often by any chance?

from a fast food place you dumbass

Low effort bait.

Gallon of whole milk every day.


You have got to be joking about the amount you eat. 300-1000 calories a day? I’m just as skinny as you (170cm 50kg) but if I ate that little, I’d probably collapse through exhaustion. I think I definitely have some body issue because I’ve tracked calories and stuck to a weight gain diet for long periods of time and nothing happens. This is a typical day
Homemade smoothie
-two cups of raw oats
-one frozen banana
About an hour later, I’ll have breakfast which is usually like a full English. Two eggs, four sausages, two slices of toast, some bacon and beans with orange juice.
Usually, I’d go somewhere to eat but because of this corona shit, I have to eat at home. Usually just have some sandwiches (peanut butter) around lunch and some snacks, usually crisps and salsa.
>late afternoon
Another smoothie, same as before
Usually whatever my mum has cooked. Curry, pasta, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese. Whatever it is. I’m trying really hard to stop drinking because for a couple years, I went through some pretty excessive drinking and I wouldn’t eat anything. I look old as fuck now and I’m only 23

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I weight 53 kg and am 180 cm
I eat about 3700 calories per day
Your diet just sucks
>I feel bloated after a few mouthfuls of carbs
Then don't eat them? You probably could use some extra virgin coconut oil

I dont drink tea at all

literally the only piece of actual advice I've gotten all thread, thank you

ignore redditors telling you to ingest a gallon of pregnant dairy cow hormones.

god damn redditor kikes

Gomad ain’t gonna do shit for you if you’re eating 300-1000 calories a day. You need to do go mad and eat food. Even doing a quarter gomad might be impossible for you. Go get yourself checked out

thanks king what should I actually do

>Even after eating like 1000 calories a day for like a month, my weight didnt increase at all.
1000 cals a day, wtf? How tall are you? If youre not the size of ant, you wont ever gain weight eating that much.

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Liquid calories. Make your own shakes. Try to increase your calorie intake slowly. That’s all you can do

This. You can make 1000-2000 calorie shakes that you can just drink throughout the day. That's already halfway, so as long as you eat at least one good meal you should hit your calorie goals

Wait, what does drinking tea has to do with that? Is drinking tea bad?

> A real adult male weights < 57 kgs

is tea good for you?

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lmao just go and eat a burger from mcdonalds nigga, is not that hard. one burger is easily 1500 calories

Shut the fuck up vegan nigger

how has no one realised how autistically funny this is, put me in the screen-cap

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>300 calories a day
WTFWTFWTF how is op not dead
Does he even have a brain?

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jesus, i want to see how you look, im also 180, but started at 56kg and cant imagine being any skinnier than that

stop posting these ugly traps dude, or at least post ones with an actually nice ass, not this deflated mattress

Kek at the thought of OP eating ice cubes all-day

Its good for you but dont drink tea during meals because it blocks iron absorption pretty bad m'kay

>dont drink tea during meals because it blocks iron absorption pretty bad m'kay
retard it ENHANCES iron absorption

Cant tell of serious 1000 a day is nothing

Best advice i can give you user:
>Big heaped tablespoon of peanut butter with every meal
>big glass of whole milk with every meal (500ml+)

are you fuckers for real? i'm 165cm tall, 53kg and my professor once called me skinny

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Im actually very toned now


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thats probably because you are