No porn

>no porn
>Sunday fasting
>light cardio

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We're all gonna make it

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>why yes I do all those things. How can you tell?

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We're all gonna make it, brehs

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My boy here gettin all the mires
We're all gonna make it

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>blows smoke in your face

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>>no porn
who gives a shit
>>Sunday fasting
meme but okay whatever
if you serious about lifting ofc
Biggest "benefit" is feeling superior to others when you say you meditate.
>>light cardio
good shit

Out of all these being serious about diet, lifting and doing some cardio is the only thing that is actually benefiting you and being "real activities" so to speak. The other shit is just superficial self improvement activities that doesn't bring shit to your life other then the dopamine boost you get from bragging about it on a north Norwegian dry fish preservation forum.

You can actually see the confidence gained from left to right. Based

what's PPL, mewing and cutting?

doing all of these exactly apart from sunday fasting

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>no porn
healthy for the mind you coomer shill
>sunday fasting
yeah meme
Also healthy for the mind you insecure mong
works in teens and kids but takes decades in adults

from soiboi cuck to big daddy dick, good job man keep it up

Honestly lads i really gave meditation a go but i found 0 benefits other than getting better at meditation.

Meditating 2x30mins a day when i wake up and when i go to bed, did it for 2 years straight. Absolutely no benefits.

>works in teens and kids but takes decades in adults
but also why wouldnt you want to have good face posture and improved breathing? like theres no reason NOT to mew

look like a different person even facially, left is the opitamy of onions cuck and right is pretty alpha

yeah as it is literally just correct oral posture, even if it doesnt give you a crimson chin who cares as thats not even the point. Its like user calling proper body posture a meme lmao.

would you know how to lift weights properly if you didnt do research/read up on optimal ways to go about it and went to the gym and just did whatever you felt like? you would probably get better at whatever you felt like doing, but do you think youd make real progress that way?

did you forget to lift while bulkan??

What are you talking about? I meditated correctly. I always research what im doing before i do it. It just didn't work for me.

its not meant to be some magic thing, its just meant to relax you and clear your mind

Lent is over user bust that nut and drink the blood of Christ

I don't do any of those and I'm still depressed, horny and hungry


Since we’re blogging:

>go on date with hot, but kind of chubby girl (in a good way)
>everything is going well, think we are clicking
>end of night, she’s leaving early. It’s just thursday so no worries there.
>she says: ”this was nice, we should see each other again” but in native language.
>i agree

>get a text from her next day saying ”yesterday was nice, I dont think we should see each other for another date though”

What are women even?

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Dont bother giving a response brah

I just responded with ”ok, fine”

Redditor roids

Is fasting for a single day reasonable? I mean looking at the benefits? Or is purely a "mindset" thing?

someone is angry

u just blew ur chances


It’s not as passive aggressive in my native language. But yeah I probably did. Luckily there are others out there

>Biggest "benefit" is feeling superior to others when you say you meditate.

Spot on, fuck this meditation meme. You think all those celebrities, internet personalities and athletes who advocate for meditation did any meditating BEFORE they got famous? Now that they have all the time and money in the world of course they feel relaxed and good when they meditate, they don't have to deal with the existential stress and dread the other 99% of the population has to deal with.

Same with vegan bodybuilders and athletes arguing for a vegan diet when meat and dairy got them big and strong in the first place.

What's your native tongue theN?

based. next time a girl does that just dont respond, itll either drive them absolutely mad or wont change anything anyway

damn you are retarded.

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based brandonposter

dont listen to these fucks. It clicked for you, but didnt clicked for her. Noone gives a fuck about the reasons of her

I've been doing this for only 4 days and I taste blood when I have my tongue on the top of my palate. Is this normal?

mew harder faggot

Yeah man, you should totally be tasting blood in your mouth. It's normal, your mouth should be constantly bleeding until you get used to the taste and just ignore it.

Next time don't respond. They view this shit as a game and get off on this.

Based and truthpilled.

whatever man, we’re just telling it how it is

>biggest benefit of meditation is feeling superior to others when you say you meditate
You've never meditated properly if you think this. I encourage you to keep trying it, it's really good.

Reply with "yeah im glad we think the same, youre too fat for me anyway" and block her


Yeah, It’s better. We do however have some mutal friends. I don’t want to come off as an asshole to them. I wont contact her ever again unless she reaches out.


All that and you’re still gonna be the same Nancy boy at the end of 2020

supposed to say 'ah me too, didn't want to hurt your feelings haha, cool bye'

still broke. still will gain a limited amount of muscle a year. still will have to deal with a society where 6/10 women are seen as gold and all have a complex. meditation? tf are you a fucking monk. Dude you sound like a major clown go study and get a tangible skill and a job.

wow he doesn't look like a faggot anymore

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Why does his shoulder looks so much wider. What is this magic? I want to attain it too.