When will this faggot admit TRT usage?

When will this faggot admit TRT usage?

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you just mad his hairline is better than yours at 17

What the fuck did you just say about Jeff you faggot?

fuck you say nigga

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Leave Jeff alone, faggot

Why do you need him to? He's 70 yesrs old has like 2% body fat...like the evidence is there you need him to fess up? Like why? His advice is only legit if he's natty. I just followed his advice on dips and it felt amazing. Guy knows his shit. Domt care if roid

>I live in the Athlean-X box on West 81st street. My name is Jeff Cavaliere. I'm 44 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my delts are a little puffy, I'll put on a weight vest while doing my face pulls. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the weight vest, I use a deep tissue foam roller, non-negotiable. In the shower, I use an externally rotated gel cleanser. Then a carrot cake body scrub. And on the face, an anabolic gel scrub. Then apply an isometric facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always drink a protein shake with little or no sugar, because sugar spikes your insulin up and makes you look fatter. Then bcaas, then a multi-vitamin gummy bear followed by a final testosterone injection. There is an idea of a Jeff Cavaliere, some kind of trainer, but there is no real me. Only a youtuber, something clickbaity. And though I can hide my TRT, and you can like my video and hear me talking to you and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I am simply not an athlete.

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He never will because he's too far down the path of dishonesty. He has to just stick to his guns and hold on to the legion of dyel fans who think he's natty and they can achieve his physique with discipline.

People really believe he is natty but somehow has greater size AND conditioning all year round than any natural on-season bodybuilder 20 years his junior.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you untrained novice? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in kinesiology and exercise science, and I've been involved in numerous MLB camps with the Mets, and I have over 300 quick form fixes you can do today (YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!). I am trained in external rotation and I'm the top pull-up record holder in the entire gym. You are nothing to me but just another mistake to avoid (NEVER DO THIS!). I will rotate you the fuck out with proper technique the likes of which has never been seen before on this cable machine, mark my fucking words (DO THIS EVERYDAY!). You think you can get away with impinging your shoulders over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of fitness e-celebs across youtube and your form is being checked right now so you better prepare for the rotation, newbie. The rotation that corrects the pathetic little thing you call your facepull (BIG MISTAKE!). You're fucking retracted, kid. I can be in any scapular plane, anytime, and I can list the top seven hundred ways to kill you (NON-NEGOTIABLE!) and that's just with my mobility bands. Not only am I extensively trained like an athlete, but I have access to the entire arsenal of bands and lacrosse balls and I will use it to its full extent to fix your miserable posture out of anterior pelvic tilt, you little newbie. If only you could have known what tightness and impingement your little "old school" upright row was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking cables. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're internally rotated (COMMON MISTAKE!), you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking sore, kiddo.

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Haha this is excellent

>natural on-season bodybuilder

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>shitting on Jeff
Imagine being this lame

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he aint even that huge cause he is around 1.70 high. this guy has been trainig for like 20 years almost every day, his nutrition is on point. He has not transcended the natty limit, he IS the natty limit. and your test drop can be alleviated by right nutrition + exercise + sex.
stop projecting

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there's no reason for him to do so, he's obviously on TRT
unlucky for you, you don't know that TRT isn't comparable to 250mg of test every week

This is really fucking gay

When he will claim he's natty... oh wait...

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nice cope from the people that cant commit to diet and exercise.

I bet you guys look like shit

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>greater size
wat? he is short as fuck. He is not big at all. You are being fooled by his definition and the fact that he doesnt stand next to any big guys (for you, for all of us) in any of his videos.

Lmao they walk from doc to doc until somebody prescribes them 250mg/week as "trt". Or they get multiple docs. Even 100mg test/week is double of a Natty.

>But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're internally rotated (COMMON MISTAKE!)

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He's 5'10 and 170 pounds. Probably weighs less than most of you skinnyfat dyels.

If you don’t think 5’10 170 pounds sub 10% bodyfat is in the cards for someone after training for 20+ years natty you’re a delusional retard.

>using feelings

serious non-trolling question here, is there a single person, who can back it up with pics, that has actually made real progress with his programs? it seems like all his fans are dyel as all fuck

hes 5'7

His programs are based on conditioning, they aren’t gonna to help you deadlift 500 lb like Jeff does

that’s the impression i’ve gotten, but then there’s people who get offended when others suggest following a strength program for strength goals. maybe im giving to much weight to a couple retards and fame-seekers

5'10 isnt short as fuck

On this board, 5'10 is 5'6 in the real world

When will this faggot adopt me and become a proper father figure for me?

>is there a single person, who can back it up with pics, that has actually made real progress with his programs?

but he isnt 5'10 he is like 5'8

what’s with kyle and his two belly buttons

Why would you lie so blatantly about his height when there is literally a video that shows his stats?

So no only his advertisment on his own side claims it

the first two guys just became more red

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i like how this physical therapist has an endorsement by an mlb player who had his career ruined by spinal injuries

My sides

The bottom of the tape measure is never shown in this video. It would be easy to add a few inches while making it believable.

He's also measuring from the top of his hair which he gelled and combed straight upwards.