Goggins extreme weightloss

David Goggings said that before getting into Navy SEAL training he lost 100 pounds in 3 months. That means he had to lose a pound of fat everyday. He's 6"1', went from like 300 to 190 or something like that. How did he do it?

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Eat a ~3500kcal defector every day. Or he’s lying

He said in his book that he would literally have a spin bike at home and would ride that thing for hours until he couldn’t anymore. And that when he went to the gym he was doing 300 reps of bench press and insane volume.

Also only eating lean meats and vegetables like chicken and broccoli

His weight loss story is pretty incredible, but what amazes me isn't so much the weight loss but how the fuck he didn't get repetitive strain injuries everywhere.

Did he cut off the loose skin to eat it too?

who the fuck is that dyel? am i supposed to be impressed by this guy or something? lol he looks like a youtube streamer or some shit. wooptie doo he lost some weight i can do the same by starving myself. oh ya, PATHETIC.

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Former Navy Seal, he also held the world record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours.

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Exclusively do HIIT and sleep. Don't do anything else until you've reached goal weight. Don't eat, don't drink, don't read etc. Also, don't die

Nigga he fuck you up and give your mom the D

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Do you think his book is worth buying?

You can check the podcast with pussy Rogan instead. Book is still good

I would like to know how he did this. Trying to go from 190 to 160 before my birthday (June 12th).

10 pounds a month doable?

You didn't join the Official Fitness Server on Dis cord (FitCord) yet??
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Goggins is the most upper-class looking black guy I have ever seen. You can almost feel the disdain in his eyes. Very based.

it's possible but highly unlikely. Have you ever tried giving everything you got for a day?

He needs to spend 3500kcal per day for 100days. That means even if you don't eat you need 11h od LI cardio like walking (300kcal/h) bcs you can't do anything else for 11h.

Could you do it for a day? Yeah sure, why not. Could you do it for a month? No fucking way.

I call bullshit.

how did he lose so much weight so quickly and not have any loose skin?

He did, went through them, injured himself further, got surgery.

He said in an interview that he strethces for 3+ hours a day because he's mostly scartissue

There's also an audiobook. I've listened it during my runs. Not bad. but it's mostly autobiography. I prefer his interviews for motivation.

I call bullshit. He is lying and making things up. He did loose weight and is a great runner but he is loose with the facts.

Goggins is inarguably based and what 99% of this board wishes they could be. Any dislike of him is nothing less than unfiltered jealousy.

No thanks, I chose not to become an obese fuck in the first place.

>hating someone for the person they used to be and ignoring what they are now
extremely low iq

DIS to the motherfucking CARDED

this, the audiobook is fucking great. It even has short convos with him between chapters where he can clarify and comment on stuff..

His childhood was pretty fucking intense. Enjoy:


1. He's stated that he was actually like 285+ or something like that, he just rounds it to being nearly 300. 2. When you start a cut generally, you'll lose initial water weight, which can be upwards of 10+ pounds. He did insane amounts of cardio and diet changes.

everything about this due seems so shady, i can't pinpoint what exactly but he sounds like he's exaggarating a lot

>guy who earns a living selling books about how HARD and CRAZY and INTENSE he is makes shit up
Gee whoda thunk

I lost about 60 in 4 months.

It's easy as fuck if you're already fat and don't give a shit about muscle retention. Just drop your caloric intake from 4000 to 1000 and do a bit of daily cardio.

I'm on a 30 lb cut now but I'm only dropping 5 per month because I'm retaining muscle and strength.

Cope. He ruined his body and still looks better than you.

incredibly based