Finasteride Suicide

I started two days ago and today I woke up and felt completely different. Mentally and physically completely drained. I spent all day researching and it seems the effects only get worse and are totally irreversible.

I’m sorry to my parents but I can’t live like this. I will try to survive but not sure how much longer I can take. This is not a troll post I’m seriously making suicide plans right now.

Anyways I figured I’d ask on here for help as a last ditch effort. Couldn’t hurt I guess.

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I’ve been through this before. When I took to much anastrazole when I was on a cycle. Crashed my E. It fucked me up for a solid 6 months. Anyways it seems post finasteride syndrome is like that but worse.

I seriously can’t take this anguish I just want the pain to be over with

Stop taking it and wait like 4-5 days.

You have probably never felt real chemical imbalance before. The depressive mood ends you just have to wait it out.

Find something to distract yourself with like a book, go for a 1-2 hour long walk.

If you don't have the energy to do any of that shit just lay down and close your eyes.

Take 2-4 weeks off so your side effects go away. Then get pill cutter and take 0.25mg every other day for month. Then up the dose 0.25mg daily for month. Then up the dose 0.5mg daily which is optimium. Or just deal with hair loss and don't interfere your body hormone production.

I’ve been reading all day on propeciahelp and hairlossforums

Even one dose changes your dna permanently and destroys your bodies androgen receptors. I’m basically gonna be a tranny now. I don’t know how I can deal with this. I’m gonna start blasting test + tren + proviron to see if it reverse the effects but I’m not hopeful. Tons of people on the forums say it’s incurable when with extreme anabolic use.

Just shave it bro.
You're just delaying the inevitable

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I stopped taking finasteride

So now I’m gonna bald anyway and my body is broken. Gonna rope soon. Once I get the confidence at least. Can’t even get out of bed now.

Bro all you're doing is having more test convert to estrogen instead of dht. Post finasteride syndrome isn't real.

I spent all day reading thousands of testimonials man this shit is real. It causes your bones to disintegrate.

Damn how did you crash your E for 6 months straight?

hypochondriacs are annoying as fuck

I felt like shit for 6 months senpai. I had bad Gyno so I was taking like .5mg anastrazole a day. It worked mostly to get rid of the Gyno but it fucked me up badddd

I read a post on misc dude. Even one dose changes your dna permanently and destroys your bodies androgen receptors.

I’m fucked for life.

I feel you. I'm on raloxifene for gyno rn but it takes months apparently. I did letrozole before and got rid of it but shit did a rebound. The letrozole was pretty physically exhausting but I only did that for 3 weeks

Lots of rich people take this stuff. If all that were true then the company making it would be sued to hell and discontinued. Relax schizo poster.

Lol, I took fin for a couple months before I quit.
You did it for a couple days. Ease up mate, you're gonna be fine.

> trusting pharmaceutical companies

Two days of poison is still enough to kill you

Go on the post finasteride syndrome website. Even one dose is enough to ruin your life.

>Mentally and physically completely drained. I spent all day researching and it seems the effects only get worse and are totally irreversible.
eh, now that's a bleak diagnosis.

>I’ve been reading all day on propeciahelp and hairlossforums
>Even one dose changes your dna permanently and destroys your bodies androgen receptors.
bullshit. how would it do that?
stop believing shit you read in online forums. stop taking it and soldier through 5-7 days. Three meals a day, light exercise. pick up lifting midway if you feel you're able to do it.

>fear mongering website that takes donations
Lol. "Post finasteride syndrome" is just high estrogen levels in relation to your testosterone.
> tissue-specific methylation pattern of SRD5A2 promoter in PFS patients.

Nope I’ve gone on looksmax too everyone on those forums with PFS has tried steroids + ai and nothing works

I don't but a world wide widely prescribed daily orally administered drug that will alter your DNA for life after one dose is pretty far fetched

Why not just take minoxidil by itself and maybe some dermarolling if you're paranoid?

Sure it's probably not as effective as using Finnastride but the risk of side effects is basically zero.

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Too late now retard

If you’re not a Merck shill, just do some research. Literally thousands upon thousands of men have had their lives totally destroyed by finasteride. Hundreds of suicides. Is it really just a coincidence?

It’s so fucking easy for these pharmaceutical companies to cover up ill effects of drugs.

Stop trolling mate.
2 days of fin is nothing. Get over yourself

Not a troll man this shit is serious.

I feel like pure shit. I used to be able to run 5 miles a day. Today I made it half a mile before I ran out of gas.

You're a worthless maggot if you're gonna suicide over hair anyways

so go forth you based retard, the world was too hard for you it seems. Make sure to film it so other losers can get some hope out of seeing you kill yourself over your fragile ego.

.t Taking minox and Finn everyday and regained back to normal status

I have post finasteride syndrome retard

Based fearmonger

i've been taking this for 1 month. .5 mg. I cut my 1mg in half. I take them monday, wednesday, friday. I feel fine, no sides, my dick still gets hard.

>one dose changes your dna permanently

lol thats impossible nigger

retard, it's basically proven that the post-fin shit is a figment of your imagination. Stop being so gullible

Eat shit, I've been on Fin for 4 years.
It raises your Test by lowering DHT which raises T levels.
My T levels are higher, and I do better at the gym, stop reading that shit.

>Post Finasteride Syndrome
No such thing, get your T levels checked, hop on TRT.

T levels get boosted when on finasteride. It's DHT that goes down. E also gets a boost as the body try to balance out the excess T. This is what causes "finasteride syndrome". People can't handle the E. I've been on dutasteride for 5 years and have only felt better and better since, and it's several times more potent than finasteride.

why the hell are you dumbfucks pumping your body full that synthetic garbage?
the whole point of getting Yas Forums is to improve your body not to destroy it with artificial chemicals.
You stupid fuckers are giving us a bad name, y'all are as bad as the LGBT community.


Get your E checked OP
Dont give up that fast and stop reading stuff online, its only gonna make you feel worse

Why don't you hop on TRT for the rest of your life? I'm sure you can get a prescription.

Maybe try this nigger's advice. Also, even Dr. Koray Erdogan would have many of his clients go on finasteride even AFTER a hair transplant, so I don't think it's that bad. Probably just placebo.

Shut the fuck up and stop posting this bullshit to scare anons away from one of the only few effective methods

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Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

Stop taking finasteride and see if it goes away

Maybe you're being retarded due to the hormonal imbalance caused by fin, but you literally just woke up with this and you're worried about having it the rest of your life? Please, faggot.

>two days
You are delusional or a fear mongering faggot. It takes two weeks of finasteride for the dht level to drop.


This is real, unfortunately. Sorry bro, better start lubricating that asshole now.

This guy has videos up detailing his post-finasteride syndrome. Sounds like absolute hell desu, dunno how the fuck this shit is legal.

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We must find OP and kill him(in Minecraft)

no its to take roids

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Please guys I have this disease give me money for """treatment"""

Nocebo is a powerful drug. Get off the Internet and forget this whole thing if you can. Don't look at porn. Talk to real people. Set daily goals and get good sleep. You'll be right as rain in weeks IF you stick to this.

I'm sorry user. Were you depressed or anxious beforehand? If so then try and get some help.

not even meth does this to you lol

Fuck, i have never seen a more retarded person in my life. NIGGA YOU TAKEN THE DRUG FOR TWO DAYS, felt a little sad, THEN SUDDENLY CONCLUDED THIS IS PEREMENT AND IRREVERSIBLE. From what reading a bunch of hyprocondracs and losers on an internet forum.
How do you know what you have is even irreversible, let alone caused by Fin.
I try to give the benefit of the doubt to post fin sufferers i really do. But you can't fucking sit her and whine like a bitch after one pill and conclude its all over. Its been less than a couple of days.
In ALL clinical studies done on Fin use of less than one year the side effect rate was less then 3%; with ALL sides going away after a few weeks max a month.
Post fin syndrome has literally never been observed in clinical studies.
Studies have shown that nocebo plays a huge role in sides.
If its been 6 months and sides haven't gone away.
read this artificial and fix your shit

>takes anti balding medication that destroys androgenic activity
>ends up suicidal
>now wants to get on exogenous androgenic steroids
why is everyone in this board retarded?

I've never had a problem on Fin, including stopping for 2 years and then starting again

I strongly suspect a lot of the sexual side effects people are actually PMO'ing on a daily basis and blaming fin

Can't comment on depression etc, but it's hardly an uncommon thing these days there could be many causes.

>please give donations
completely made up bullshit

This is some bullshit LARP, OP.
Only about 13% of men experience side-effects and they are reversible because the only thing fenasteride does is temporarily inhibit the reduction of testosterone into DHT.
You're a fucking retard.

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>I spent all day researching and it seems the effects only get worse and are totally irreversible.
fucking lmao, post 1 (one) source for this claim that you found in your "research"

you anti-fin schizos should learn to be at least a bit more subtle

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Look, a lot of things that are "irreversible" really aren't. Stop taking it and get on a clean diet. Sunbathe your balls if you have a window and sunbathe your back/chest outside if not. You're gonna be fine