Wow you must work out

>wow you must work out
how to respond in this situation

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do you work out or not

do you're fucking job slut
*farts* hehe

>yeah I do yoga on weekends

y-you too!

"look whos talkin"

Women only do things for attention, not self fulfillment or pride, only to put themselves above other women and take their attention away from them.

Haha sometimes I go for a jog when I'm not volunteering, what's your routine?


Just blow her off, she'll probably want to fuck you if you do

Unironically deny that you work out - makes it look like you just naturally look like that and have great genetics

Me in the back after a "sponge bath"

fit told me never to hook up with nurses because theyre all crazy demanding bitches so pls just hook me up and take my blood thats all im here for

>never stepped into a gym in my life
how to make normies seethe 101

this, I have never met a nurse who had her shit together or was at least 80% mentally stable

>I do Zumba

>because theyre all crazy demanding bitches
he doesn't know about nurse sex

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Aren't all nurses single moms? Or they found a simp to raise their bastard kid?

>No im naturally like that


>No offense, but can I see a male doctor?

i autistically try to explain my modified 5/3/1 workout to them as if they care

this has happened more than once


Is it true nurse are the wild in bed because they release all their pent up anxiety in bed?

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Yes, i won a wii fit championsip

I dont give a fuck if she is a crazy bitch
if she is a qtie, i fuck her

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It's known that nurses, especially those in ICU or ER keep on fucking after you've already cumed

>i work out AND i work in with people can't be hogging the squat rack pls respond

vice city nostalgia is real

Can confirm, female equivalent of engineering students

No it's because they practice on the shotas that come in with athletic injuries

All nurses are moms. Some single, some not, but all are moms. If they’re not a mom then they’re a gay man or a serial killer.

If you want to get a woman you don’t try to convince her that she wants to fuck you, you convince her that other women want to fuck you. Then she will want to fuck you not for any enjoyment of sex but so she can know that she’s making other women feel jealous and angry by having sex with you.

Who is funk Chad here ?
its the best music for training, driving etc

i'm more of a flash fm guy, but i'm happy to meet a man of taste among the savages

it was my GTA and I don't feel anything at all thinking about it. I get more nostalgic for Hotline Miami.

>wow you must work out

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i know a nurse who made one of her boyfriends drink a cup of her piss to prove he loved her

they broke up later lol

you mean "yes ma'am?"

haha once in a while

>thinks any pleasantry from a female is flirtation

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fuck thats way better or Yes'm?

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>Doesn't do boxercise

This is why telling girls you have a GF makes them want you, just to take it away from the other girl

Do they not? Being cereal.

dj toni can flash me anytime

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i dunno mayb but i dont think most people care enough about lifting to hear me ramble for 5 minutes about progressive overload and lifting in waves and deloading, im pretty bad at explaining shit out loud too

Huh ok good to know.

>Going in for surgery
>nurse about to give me the IV
>blood pressure tanks before the needle even touches my skin.
>fading in and out of consciousness. Every time I come to there's more doctors / nurses around me
>"what did you do to him?"
>nurse is crying
>They finally just set up the IV and pump me full of antianxiety meds and some other shit so I stay awake
>I'm shivering cold
>"user, are you on steroids?"
>Y-yeah right, I c-couldn't handle the needles
>"well that's what the heroine junkie said"
>You're a rrr-retard

I've also had nurses tell me that its hard to find veins because my forearms are muscular.

Im not even big.

Post body

>Are you Mila Kunis's uglier sister?

>I've also had nurses tell me that its hard to find veins because my forearms are muscular.
That doesn't make sense, your forearms get super fucking vascular as they get stronger. Post forearms.

wait you're telling me the cashier at the grocery store doesn't want to have sex with me?

me in the back

>Hard to find veins
>Because my forearms are muscular

Either you're fat or those nurses don't know a goddamn IV drip from a catheter. Either way, post forearms. I get told my veins are easy because of my forearm musculature

I know it doesn't make sense. Maybe the veins they go for arent the ones that pop.
I was bigger then (about 6 years ago now) bit still was never really all that vascular or lean.

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I hear that nurses are annoying psycho cunts. This true?

Just the female ones, but that's more so because they are female, not that they are nurses.

did your nurses actually get any training in medical? even a layman could pop those veins bruh

>go to doctor at 14
>unironically don't work out at that time
>doc is doing the stomach press shit to check for lumps or whatever
>"wow user, you have a really strong core, how long have you been working out?"
>"uhhh I don't work out"
>"oh well, what do you do to have such a strong core"
>"uhhhhhhhhhh I don't do anything really"
>doctor keeps making it more awkward "you must be doing something"
>decide to stop talking, remember all the times I fapped while balancing a laptop on my stomach

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