>be known as "the big guy" in work
>6'1 250lbs
>180kg bench max
>work as door security for a club
>only got hired due to size and the fact my manager knows I roid (go to same gym)
>club as of early April shuts down due to coronavirus
>manager keeps me as his sole security guard to make sure the club doesn't get broken into and robbed overnight (we have a lot of unused stock)
>be on shift at night
>easy hourly patrol
>walk through dark empty dancefloor
>see shadow move to my left
>some guy in a ski mask runs up and punches the side of my head
>I recoil and put my hands up
>take another 4-5 punches before I can assess whats happening
>realize there are now 2 guys facing me, 1 infront and 1 to my side
>try to back off but one of them rushes me
>swing wildly
>pretty sure I connect at minimum 6 times to his head and body
>his body falls and the momentum takes me to ground underneath him
>get hit and kicked in the head and chest by the other guy
>wake up in hopsital
>2 broken ribs, major some bruising, face is fucked, head is pounding, especially my nose and left eye
>just found out today I can't sue my company for inadequately equipping me for the job
What fighting skill should I learn?
Got my ass kicked despite my size and lifts
cool story bro
you need boxing, muay thai, and brazilian jiujitsu
they each cover different areas and in total give you everything you need
Holy shit. And yeah you should have taken a different approach. Tackle the first guy and immediately roll off him to assess whether there's more. Use kicks to keep distance between them and your body, get out of there when you realize you're outnumbered. Sorry bro
Get a job that dosent involve you being a punching bag.
You got rat attacked. Play EFT until you understand how to deal with rats.
>what fighting skills should I learn?
lol this road isn't for you
if you were serious about getting better at fighting, you would lose those steroid muscles, and get leaner.
but you don't wanna lose your precious muscles now
if you don't practice fighting consistently, you won't be good at fighting. it's like telling someone who knew how to backflip to backflip after 5 years of not backflipping. He will pussy out or break his neck. if you do practice fighting consistently you will get leaner and lose your muscles.
He just needs boxing if he had to pick one.
Ideally combining all three wouldn't be bad, but who has the time and money to do those while also lifting. BJJ for example is expensive in my area (LA) compared to boxing.
this wasn‘t really a fight this was an ambush i don‘t think you‘d ever expect two pussies in ski masks running at you from the shadows
First off, post body with timestamp to see if this story is true. Second, you only failed because you got ambushed and outnumbered, you're lucky they didn't carry knives, you should always have situational awareness. Third, did you ever figure out the motive?
This an wear lotta rings
Wrestling would help
Dont feel bad anthony smith couldnt ko a 160 lb high school wrestler that broke into his house
He's a 250lbs roider, does he sound to you like he's intelligent enough for any other job? It's either this or army
At that size you're not going to fight so well, roiders are slow and gas fast... best bet is to get them into some kind of submission hold and use your strength like an anaconda would.
::::Teleports behind you::::
So you wish to master the way of the blade do you? Show me what you can do! Prepare yourself!
Yes, Lesnar lost a lot of muscle weight when he trained for the UFC. Look at his weight different from WWE.
You fucking retard.
its normal
life isnt a video game
you cant win a 1v3 in surprise
That or carry a roll of quarters for a legal form of brass knuckles. Grappling does help, but I think in a real life altercation going to the ground is the worst thing you can do especially since these fights are never one on one and the ground isn't like a tatami mat or wrestling mat concrete isn't even and can fuck you up if you land wrong trying to bring a guy down with you.
I feel like the Gracie meme that "90% of fights go to the ground" is one of the stupidest talking points brought up by BJJ practioners since the source that they got it from was shown to be bunk.
Your example is a guy who gassed out and got his shit kicked to the point of not surviving even 5 fights in UFC? You are just proving him right, lol.
I know Muay Thai OP, although last time I nearly got jumped by two dudes outside a bar I just booked it. street fighting is not worth picking up a charge. In a street fight everybody loses
>knock a guy out
>he bounces his head off the concrete
>get charged with murder
Wouldn't it be self-defense if you got jumped by two guys?
That or don't knock the a guy out
Get ass whooped by him and friend and maybe get a coma or die.
It's a lose lose situation you either get prosecuted or your ass whooped.
you cant win a 1vx in real life unless
1. you've been training a combat sport for the past 10+ years (still fairly low chance)
2. the guys attacking you are either 12yrs old or disabled and in wheelchairs
This, even if you're a highly skilled fighter you're still no match for 2 fags suprise attacking you
Learning how to fight will only help in 1 on 1 fair fights, when you're up against multiple dudes you need a weapon. It literally doesnt matter how good a boxer you are when some faggot lands a cheap shot when you arent expecting it, plus he has a friend backing him up
A job skill might benefit you more user
yes, if you can prove it. but you'd still have to go to court, get a lawyer, post bail, etc etc
yeah there is no favorable outcome to a street fight
there wasn't really much you could do. Getting sucker punched is a good equalizer for people that don't know how to fight
could you explain why would he need to learn boxing if he's already learning BJJ and Muay Thai?
The last two are so good they're probably the two best martial arts in the world. How boxing is effective against them? or useful combined?
Also I heard Krav Maga is the best for multiple opponents, but I'm not experienced nor I really searched about it.
When ambushed, your first response usually determines the outcome. You are already behind the 8-ball, but if you haven't been disabled by the initial blow you have a chance to counter. It may seems counter-intuitive, but when you're attacked, most people aren't expecting you to run away then fight - in an ambush this is critical, because it allows you to re-orient yourself and redress the fight on your terms.
Another thing you should consider is when being ambushed by non-lethal melee- distance means, taking your opponent to the ground is usually the best choice. Most people "on the attack" do not anticipate being brought down, and countless videos of street fights show someone who was losing a fight turn it around simply by gaining the advantage of superior positioning offered by a takedown. You can learn a few martial arts for this, but I would say the most practical are BJJ, judo, and wrestling *in that order.
Lastly, you were facing burglars. You're lucky you aren't dead. I would worry less about lawsuits and more about properly equipping yourself next time. A gun would have been appropriate here, and really any overnight security that isn't armed is a total joke anyway. If you're unarmed security your job is to sit back and call the police, be the best witness. iIt was naivety, both on your part and your employer's, to think that one unarmed dude can properly secure a building without good detection and hard security systems.
Here is a thicc-post to cheer you up, lad.
Carry a gun retard
the greatest muay thai fighters are those that incorporate boxing in it
OP here, I'm pretty confident in a fight, been in 5 that I can count:
First time
>two guys throwing shit at my doorman buddy for being overweight
>I tell them to stfu
>I say sure thing
>one of them pushes me
>I explode and throw haymakers and huge overhand rights
>two guys end up unconscious on the ground
2nd time
>girl approaches me saying she is being harassed by a guy
>points him out
>I approach and tell him to leave
>he says why and trys to get away from me
>grab him and escort him out
>he starts fighting back
>grab his neck and choke him unconscious
>through him on the street
3rd time
>guy is verbally absuing my boss
>he hits his panic button
>my alarm goes off
>I run up to VIP
>see my boss being confronted by some guy
>throw a huge haymaker and knock the guy out cold
4th time
>two girls are being harassed by some guy
>they want him to go away
>I approach and pick the guy up
>dude starts struggling
>slam him to ground knocking him out cold
5th time
>dude refuses to pay for his drinks at the back
>confront him
>still refuses to pay
>he knocks all his drinks over in a childish protest
>I grab the back of his head and slam his face down into the spilled drinks knocking him out
his punch could knock the average man out no problem.
It depends where you live, in UK self defense is illegal. I literally went to prison because I got jumped by chavs when drawing money out of a cash point, I blinded one of them by clawing his eyes when he and his friends had me pinned down.
They beat the shit out of me and stole my money and then had the nerve to call the cops on me, and I was the one who got sent to prison while they got a slap on the wrist. Whole thing was caught on cctv too, so there was even solid evidence that I was defending myself
I did go from fat to swole while in prison though so it wasnt too bad
Lmao imagine being this insecure that there’s guys bigger than you so you larp this hard
>i just sucker punch people
>takes some word of a girl
>chokes out a guy for that and throw him in the street
lol if this isn't one big larp OP just got what he deserved from Karma
Ignore all posts up unt this one.
BJJ is overshadowed by wrestling by a huge margin. Learn judo, sambo, or regular wrestling. If you want laughs look up bjj vs wrestling on YouTube. Wrestlers rape.
Boxing is faster to learn than muay thai and will make you a killer.
Lifes not a video game, your not gonna fight off multiple sneak attackers.
Especially being 6'1 king of manlets
Boxing is terrible in a streetfight, good luck not training leg kicks and some guy heel hooks you.
Krav maga sucks
t. Former krav maga student
you fought about some skinny drunk faggots that werent in fight before in their lives
people that were prepared and willing to attack anyone who gets in their way
What's prison like in the UK?
I train mma. Leg kicks hurt but won't drop a guy. Plus any competent wrestler might turn your kicks into single leg takedowns.
>muh heel hooks
BJJ is only a magic martial art against untrained people. Roll against a high school wrestler sometime. Plus it takes time to work positions and if he gets in your guard, SC, or half guard, it is lights out for you. Wrestling slams will KO someone and wrestling has shitloads of groundwork
This wrestling by far is the best grappling art, but it is hard to train as an adult because there is nothing post high school or college level. I regret not doing it in high school instead of football.
>BJJ is "alright", its just overhyped due to how it was promoted in early UFC due to the Gracies being able to rig the deck with their opponents. No wrestlers were allowed to compete due to the fact that the gracies weren't confident, all of the pure striking contestants were past their prime, and no other grappling styles were invited.
Ken shamrock, a submission wrestler, did fight. He headbutted whatever gracie he fought from within his guard for 30 mins and it was a "draw" lol
Muay thai isn't worth training for heavyweights. Thai fighters don't get that big, and the style wasn't developed with heavyweights in mind. 145 pound manlets can teep and knee from the clinch all day. A 200+ pound guy just doesn't have that same athleticism, and honestly doesn't need it.
I'd suggest straight up wrestling as a base. My Judo teacher was involved in early MMA and they are the ones who really mopped shit up.
It is worth pointing out that most elite ufc fighters are wrestlers and not BJJ people.
Even khabib never trained it but raped every black belt at NAGA
Its nothing like how prison is presented in movies, theres no raping in the showers or big escape attempts, and the stereotype about inmates all been jacked isnt true either. Theres a lot of guys in there who are in decent shape, but they get mogged by most gym rats. Most of the guys in there (probably 70%) are insanely skinny, and theres a few fatties too
Aside from that most of the guys in there are just normal guys who made mistakes and are easy to get along with. Its always the really young guys who think theyre gangsters and act tough, but they usually drop the act once theyve been in a while
But I was only in a category b prison, so idk what more hardcore prisons would be like
Shamrock started out as a "pro wrestler" something you would see on WWE last time I checked not an actual wrestler.
Doesn't matter how much you train and lift if you fight two people at once who are determined to hurt you, you will lose.
Took me 5 sec on wikipedia to see he wrestled in high school. He probably wrestled beyond that but I stopped reading there
Sure but do you really think OP is bigger than Lesnar’s MMA weight?
Didn’t stop him from winning a title and beating the shit out people far more skilled than a bouncer is going to run into
>OP hasn't responded to anyone
>t. fought multiple opponents at once and got out unscathed
Competence is key.
Hey faggot OP, post body as proof for fuck off.
>It is worth pointing out that most elite ufc fighters are wrestlers and not BJJ people.
UFC fights have five minute rounds with breaks, and you always start a round on the feet. Those rules heavily favor takedowns over submissions. You're also forgetting that every professional MMA fighter from the last decade cross-trains in BJJ, wrestlers or otherwise. He's technically a white belt but you think Khabib learned triangle chokes and armbars from wrestling? He knows jiu jitsu.
Wrestling's great, bjj is great, grappling arts as a whole have a lot in common and don't need to piss on each other to establish dominance.
What kind of shit advice is that.
You don't tackle a guy who just attacked you in the dark. The guy could have a knife and then you've just killed yourself.
Nothing would have saved you in that situation.
Not martial arts, not a knife, not a gun.
When it's 2 vs 1 and someone grabs you or falls on top of you then it's over, there's nothing you could possibly ever do to save yourself.
Just be more aware of your surroundings next time.
This. And post body as proof, faggot.
The average untrained person can kill you with a single punch to the liver or chin, he's just another monkey that can't fight.
try not being a manlet next time
you knock them out before they can tackle you and if they manage to tackle you then you better have the durability to take multiple kicks and stomps to the head
Don't feel too bad mate. You got jumped by 2 guys in the dark, with the first one sucker punching you.
No matter how good you are, most people would not be able to beat 2 guys even without the ambush.
I do have one question though, why the fuck was the place dark? Turn the lights on next time. none of it would have happened if the lights were on.
Back again, just read your post here Turns out you're a massive fucking faggot. All your 'fights' were you sucker punching drunk idiots. You have never been in a fight you dim witted rat fuck. You basically got hit by the same shit you've been hitting people with. Now you know why you beat those other guys.